Archive 2021
Quality Control in Accordance with ERW Clearance Project for the Expressway - Ib of the state Road No. 21, Novi Sad - Ruma ,,Fruška Gora Corridor” Site
On December the 28th, as a follow up activity of the implementation of the ERW Clearance Project for the Expressway - Ib of the state Road No. 21, Novi Sad – Ruma, “Fruška Gora Corridor” Site, the Serbian Mine Action Centre conducted quality control of the works for the part of the site, which Contractor Millennium Team Ltd., carried out in accordance with SMAC’s project, International Mine Action Standards ... Read more
Survey of а site in Leštane
On November the 24th, 2021, representatives of the Serbian Mine Action Centre, at the request of company EDePro ltd. visited a site in Leštane in order to assess and investigate possible existence of explosive remnants of war on the site after an explosion that occurred in this company in November 2021 ... Read more
Visit to France by the representative of the Mine action Centre
At the invitation of the French Embassy in Belgrade and the humanitarian and underwater demining company EOD - EX, representatives of the Mine action Center оf the Republic of Serbiavisited the Republic of France in the period from 15 to 21 December 2021. ... Read more
Training of the Geneva International Center for Humanitarian Demining completed
The Geneva International Center for Humanitarian Demining organized the international online training for IMSMA Core in the period from 6 December - 17 December 2021.
Among the participants were representatives of international demining centers and organizations from ... Read more
AP Mine Ban Convention Implementation Support Unit Mission to Serbia
Government of the Republic of Serbia, Office for Information Technology and Electronic Administration, Republic Secretariat for Public Policies, with the support of the German-Serbian Development Cooperation Project "Support to Public Administration Reform in Serbia in the EU Accession Process".On Thursday, December 16, 2021, a ceremony was held to mark the beginning of the work of the eConsultation portal ... Read more
AP Mine Ban Convention Implementation Support Unit Mission to Serbia
In the period 8-10 December 2021, representative from AP Mine Ban Convention Implementation Support Unit visited the Serbian Mine Action Centre concerning the process of submission of an extension request of the Republic of Serbia for the fulfilment of Article 5 obligations.
ISU representative has had the opportunity to receive information concerning the current ... Read more
Visit of Representatives of Ministry of Defense of Russian Federation
Оn December 8th 2021, within the visit of the representatives of the Ministry of Defence of the Rusian Federation to the Ministry of Defence of the Republic of Serbia, Director of the Serbian Mine Action Centre, Mr Bojan Glamočlija, presented the work of the Serbian Mine Action Centre.
In addition to SMAC results in the previous period, ongoing projects, as well as future ... Read more
Quality Control in Accordance with ERW Clearance Project for the Expressway - Ib of the state Road No. 21, Novi Sad - Ruma ,,Fruška Gora Corridor” Site
On December 7th 2021, as a follow up activity of the implementation of the ERW Clearance Project for the Expressway - Ib of the state Road No. 21, Novi Sad – Ruma, “Fruška Gora Corridor” Site, the Serbian Mine Action Centre conducted quality control of the works for the part of the site, which Contractor Millennium Team Ltd., carried out in accordance with SMAC’s project, International Mine Action ... Read more
On December 1st 2021 in Belgrade, the Regional Quality Management Course in the Area of Mine Action was completed after which internationally recognized certificates were handed to the trainees.
The Geneva International Center for Humanitarian Demining (GICHD), organized this training in cooperation with the Serbian Mine Action Centre, in the period from 24 November – 1 December 2021 ... Read more
SMAC Director Meets Angolan Ambassador to Serbia
Оn December 1st 2021, SMAC Director, Mr Bojan Glamočlija met with Ambassador of the Republic of Angola to the Republic of Serbia, H.E. Mr Alcino dos Prazeres Izata Francisco da CONCEIÇÃO, to discuss possible directions of cooperation in the field of humanitarian demining and mine action.
The SMAC Director pointed out in the presentation the experience and knowledge gained in the ... Read more
On the 26th November 2021, аs a follow up activity of the implementation of the ERW Clearance Project for "Ložionica" Complex, City of Belgrade, which was developed by the Serbian Mine Action Centre based on the request of the Office for Information Technologies and E Government, Serbian Mine Action ... Read more
Regional Quality Management Course in the Area of Mine Action
On November 24, 2021, in Belgrade, a Regional Quality Management Course in the Area of Mine Action commenced, and will last until December 1, 2021.
The Geneva International Center for Humanitarian Demining (GICHD) in cooperation with the Serbian Mine Action Centre (SMAC), is organizing this course. For the needs of the course, the expanded business capacities of SMAC will be used, i.e. teaching ... Read more
On the 23rd November 2021, at the residence of Ambassador of the Republic of Korea to the Republic of Serbia, H.E. Mr Hyoung-chan Choe, a cocktail reception to bid farewell to departing Ambassador was held.
With gratitude for the cooperation in the previous period and strengthening of friendly relations between the two countries, among others ... Read more
Project promotion Strengthening the capacity of the Republic of Serbia in the field of demining and destruction of unexploded ordnance (certificate award)
On November 19, 2021, starting at 15.00 pm, a closing ceremony on the occasion of the completion of the Project - Training of trainers for conducting explosive ordnance disposal training course level 1 (EOD level 1) and level 2 (EOD Level 2).
The project was implemented within the cooperation of SMAC and the Ministry of Defense, with the financial support of the European Union ... Read more
The 19th Meeting of the States Parties (19MSP) to the Convention on the Prohibition of the Use, Stockpiling, Production and Transport of Antipersonnel Mines and on their Destruction (Ottawa Convention) was held in the Hague, the Netherlands, from 15 to 19 November 2021.
Due to the situation caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, it was held as a virtual event.
The 19MSP, presided over by the ... Read more
At the invitation of Director of Serbian Mine Action Centre, Mr Bojan Glamočlija, on Tuesday, November 16th, 2021, Director of the Republic Administration of Civil Protection, Mr Milan Novitović and Assistant Director - Demining Sector, Mr Dragan Kos, visited expanded business capacities within the SMAC, i.e. teaching premises with a ground and site for training of pyrotechnicians in Grocka, where the implementation ... Read more
Commencement of ERW Clearance Project for the Expressway - Ib of the state Road No. 21, Novi Sad - Ruma ,,Fruška Gora Corridor” Site
The implementation of the ERW Clearance Project for the Expressway - Ib of the state Road No. 21, Novi Sad - Ruma ,,Fruška Gora Corridor” Site, which was developed by the Serbian Mine Action Centre based on the request of the ,,China Road аnd Bridge Corporation Serbia Branch,, (CRBC), began on November ... Read more
On the 13th November 2021, аs a follow up activity of the implementation of ERW Clearance Project for Public Purpose Site in Ardija Complex in Niš, Serbian Mine Action Centre conducted quality control of the works for the part of the site, which Contractor Millennium Team ... Read more
On the 12th November 2021, SMAC representatives conducted quality control on the parts of the ERW clearance project of areas in the zone of the bridge at Sremska Rača and along planned route of Belgrade - Sarajevo highway, Sremska Rača - Kuzmin section.
Quality control of the part оf Phase 2 was conducted. Within this Phase, contractor "Millennium Team" Ltd., Belgrade, conducted depth search ... Read more
On November 9th , 2021, military attaché of the EU Delegation in Belgrade, Colonel Pietro Mostardi, together with the representatives of the Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Serbia, visited expanded business capacities within the SMAC, i.e. teaching premises with a ground and site for training of pyrotechnicians in Grocka, where the implementation of the Project - Training of trainers for conducting explosive ... Read more
Survey of the "Railway" site in Niš
On Sunday, November 7, 2021, representatives of the Serbian Mine Action Centre, at the request of Joint Stock Company for the Мanagement of Public Railways Infrastructure "Serbian Railways Infrastructure", visited the site called "Railways" in order to assess and examine the risk of explosive remnants of war for the purpose of the infrastructural development of Serbian Railways ... Read more
Follow up of Implementation of ERW Clearance Project for Public Purpose Site in Ardija Complex in Niš
As a follow up to the Implementation of ERW Clearance Project for Public Purpose Site in the Ardija Complex in Niš, representatives of Serbian Mine Action Centre, on Sunday, 7 November 2021, went to see the site.
The works have been carried out by contractor "Millennium Team" Ltd. ... Read more
Participation of SMAC at the 8th Mine Action Technology Workshop in Geneva
Geneva International Center for Humanitarian Demining (GICHD) is organizing the 8th Mine Action Technology Workshop in Geneva, from November 2 to 4, 2021, which is attended by representatives of the Serbian Mine Action Centre, Assistant Director – Head of Sector for Finance, International Cooperation and European Integrations, Ms Tijana Cvetković and Senior Advisor for Planning, International Cooperation and European Integrations, Ms Slađana Košutić ... Read more
On the 30th October 2021, in the Guard House in Topčider, the Hunting Association of Serbia organized a ceremony on the occasion of the 125th anniversary of its foundation.
The Ceremonial Academy was attended by Director of Serbian Mine Action Centre, Mr Bojan Glamočlija. Among the invitees welcomed by President of the Hunting Association, Mr Bratislav Ćirković, were ... Read more
Presentation of Vallon
Мetal Detector
In order to improve the operational work in the field, demining operator Millennium Team ltd. for the purpose of implementation of ERW clerance projects on which they are currently engaged, has been procuring new metal detectors. On 25 th October 2021, a presentation and training in the use of the Vallon metal detector for the detection of UXO were conducted. Representatives of SMAC also attended the training ... Read more
Completion of ERW Clearance from a
Site at Ponikve Airport
25th October 2021 saw the completion of the implementation of Project for Explosive Remnants of War Clearance from the site at the Ponikve Airport "Fence-phase II", City of Užice, area 5,198 sqm, following the final quality control carried out by SMAC. Clearance of the site will create the necessary preconditions for safe reconstruction of the Ponikve ... Read more
Commencement of implementation of project of
improving capacities of the Republic of Serbia in the
field of demining and destruction of unexploded ordnance
On October 25, 2021, commenced the implementation of the Project - Training of trainers for conducting explosive ordnance disposal training course level 1 (EOD level 1) and level 2 (EOD Level 2). The introductory speech on the occasion of the commencement of the Project was given by Colonel Robert Kordik, Director of the Directorate for European Integrations and Project Management of the Defence Policy Sector of the Ministry of Defence, and Bojan Glamočlija ... Read more
Quality control on cluster munitions clearance
project from Niš Constantine the Great
Airport - 7th Phase Site
Оn the 22nd October 2021, аs a follow up activity of the implementation of Cluster Munitions Clearance Project from the Niš Constantine the Great Airport - 7th Phase Site, City of Niš, Serbian Mine Action Centre conducted quality control of the works for the part of the site, which Contractor Millennium Team Ltd., carried out in accordance with SMAC’s project, International Mine Action Standards (IMAS) and Standard Operating Procedures. The control was performed ... Read more
Final quality control on Končulj – Transmission Line
1 and 2 project
In the period 21-22 October 2021, as a part of follow up of the implementation of Demining Project at the Končulj Transmission Line 1 and 2 site, Bujanovac Municipality, Serbian Mine Action Center carried out the final quality control at a part of the site searched and demined by contractor NGO Stop Mines and subcontractor In Demining, Pale, Republic of Srpska, Bosnia and Herzegovina, in accordance with the SMAC Project, International Mine Action Standards ... Read more
Mines found on project Končulj – Transmission
Line 1 and 2
During implementation of Demining Project for "Končulj – Transmission Line 1 and 2" site, in the Municipality of Bujanovac, contractor NGO Stop Mines, Pale, and subcontractor NGO IN Demining, Pale, Republic of Srpska, Bosnia and Herzegovina, in addition to previously found mines, found 1 more mine 2 PMR-2A and 2 pcs. of PMA 3, as well as 1 piece of a 76 cm artillery shell. Demolition of ERWs ... Read more
Implementation of UXO Clearance Project for
Sloboda Čačak 2 site
As a follow up to the implementaion of UXO Clearance Project for Sloboda Čačak 2 site, Čačak. SMAC carried out the measurement of the productivity of deminers of contractor Millennium Team Ltd., Belgrade. It was established that the conditions for the introduction of an additional number of deminers have been fulfilled, by which the implementation of works according to this project has been continued ... Read more
Found UXO on Cluster Munitions Clearance Project from
Niš Constantine the Great Airport - 7th Phase Site
So far during the implementation of works according to Cluster Munitions Clearance Project from the Niš Constantine the Great Airport - 7th Phase Site, City of Niš, contractor Millennium Team Ltd., Belgrade, found over 300 pieces of various types of UXO. The demolition of found UXO was carried out by the members of the Sector for Emergency Management ... Read more
Found ERW on ERW Risk Reduction Project for Construction and Reconstruction of Novi Sad Port
On the Explosive Remnants of War Risk Reduction Project for Construction and Reconstruction of Novi Sad Port, during the implementation so far, ie, investigation of possible presence of underwater ERW, contractor Millennium Team ltd. Belgrade, has determined 21 anomalies by technical methods, after which divers identified one anomaly as an explosive remnant of war. The demolition of found ERW was carried out by the members of the Sector ... Read more
Celebration of Jubilee of Šabac Coordination Centre
of Independent Police Syndicate
On the 16th October 2021, in the Omorika Hotel on Tara, a ceremony was held on the occasion of 10 years of the existence of the Šabac Coordination Center of the Independent Police Syndicate. On that occasion, President of the Šabac CC, Mr Veselin Nikolić, handed a letter of appreciation to honorary member, Director of Serbian Mine Action Centre, Mr Bojan Glamočlija, for the provided support and exceptional cooperation since the very foundation of the Šabac CC ... Read more
Commencement of UXO Clearance Project for
Sloboda Čačak 2 site
Implementaion of UXO Clearance Project for Sloboda Čačak 2 site, which was developed by SMAC at the request of Joint Stock Company Sloboda, Čačak, began on October 15, 2021, with the introduction of contractor Millennium Team ltd., Belgrade, into works. Area to be cleared is located in the territory ... Read more
Final quality control on ERW clearance project of
Military Depot 2 site
On the 14th October 2021, SMAC representatives conducted quality control on the parts of the ERW clearance project of Military Depot 2 in Vranje. Quality control of the part оf Phase 2 was conducted. Within this Phase, contractor "Millennium Team" Ltd., Belgrade, conducted depth search up to 3 m. Quality control has established that there are no ERWs or anomalies indicating the existence of an object of the mass within the limits of the critical error ... Read more
Quality control on “Sloboda Čačak 1” project
Аs a follow up activity of the implementation of UXO Clearance Project for "Sloboda Čačak 1" site, оn the 13th Оctober 2021, Serbian Mine Action Centre conducted quality control of the works for the part of the site, which Contractor Millennium Team Ltd., carried out in accordance with SMAC’s project, International Mine Action Standards (IMAS) and Standard Operating Procedures. The control was performed on the area which the contractor searched ... Read more
10th International Arms and Military Equipment
Fair "Partner 2021"
Under the patronage of the Ministry of Defence of the Republic of Serbia, the 10th International Exhibition of Arms and Military Equipment Partner 2021, will be held from the 11th to the 14th of October at the Belgrade Fair. Representatives of SMAC visited the Exhibition, and among the visitors are numerous high level delegations from all over the world, as well as representatives of NATO, the European Defense Agency and other international military ... Read more
Commencement of ERW Clearance Project for
"Ložionica" complex in Belgrade
The implementation of the ERW Clearance Project for "Ložionica" Complex, City of Belgrade, which was developed by the Serbian Mine Action Centre based on the request of the Office for Information Technologies and E Government, began on October 12, 2021, with the introduction of contractor Millennium Team ltd., Belgrade, into works. The "Ložionica" site is located on the right bank of the Sava River, on the right side of the Gazela Bridge - direction towards ... Read more
Jubilee marked - 35 years of existence of
Constantine the Great Airport
On October 11, 2021, in the small hall of the Officers' Club in Niš, starting at 12 o'clock, Airports of Serbia ltd. organized a ceremony on the occasion of the jubilee - 35 years of the existence of the Constantine the Great Airport. On behalf of the Serbian Mine Action Centre, the celebration was attended by Director, Mr Bojan Glamočlija and Assistant Director, Ms Jelena Krstić, who congratulated the hosts on this important jubilee and expressed satisfaction ... Read more
Concert on the occasion of celebration of National Foundation day of Korea
On the occasion of the celebration of the National Foundation Day of the Republic of Korea, at the invitation of the Embassy of the Republic of Korea in Belgrade, Serbian Mine Action Center attended the Voice Orchestra I-Maestri Concert, held on the 8th October 2021, in the Great Hall of the Kolarac Endowment in Belgrade. Ambassador Choe Hyoung Chan welcomed guests - representatives of the political, cultural and public scene of Serbia ... Read more
Оn the 7th Оctober 2021, аs a follow up activity of the implementation of Project for Explosive Remnants of War Clearance from the site at the Ponikve Airport "Fence-Phase II", City of Užice, totalling 5,198 sqm, Serbian Mine Action Centre conducted quality control of the works for the part of the site, which Contractor Nucleus Team Ltd., carried out in accordance with SMAC’s project, International Mine Action Standards (IMAS) and Standard Operating Procedures ... Read more
Mines found on project
"Končulj – Transmission Line 1 and 2"
So far during implementation of the Demining Project for "Končulj – Transmission Line 1 and 2" site, in the Municipality of Bujanovac, contractor NGO "Stop Mines", Pale, Republic of Srpska, Bosnia and Herzegovina, found 6 mines: 2 pieces of PMR-2A and 4 pieces of PMA 3, as well as 3 pieces of 76 cm artillery shells.
Positions of ERWs have been marked ... Read more
Commencement of Works according to ERW Clearance Project for Public Purpose Site in Ardija Complex in Niš
Implementation of ERW Clearance Project for Public Purpose Site in the Ardija Complex in Niš, began on October 5, 2021, by introducing contractor "Millennium Team" Ltd., Belgrade, into works.
In addition to SMAC Director, Mr Bojan Glamočlija and representatives of the contractor, the event was attended by Mayor of Niš, Ms Dragana Sotirovski, and Mr Dušan Radivojević, Director of Local Economic ... Read more
Commencement of ERW Clearance from a
Site at Ponikve Airport
4th October 2021 saw the commencement of the implementation of Project for Explosive Remnants of War Clearance from the site at the Ponikve Airport "Fence-phase II", City of Užice, totaling 5,198 sqm. The Project has been developed by the Mine Action Centre of the Republic of Serbia, which will supervise the project implementation and conduct quality control of the works, while the contractor is Belgrade based company Nucleus Team ... Read more
Quality control on
Sloboda Čačak 1 Project
Оn the 30th September 2021, аs a follow up activity of the implementation of UXO Clearance Project for Sloboda Čačak 1 site, area 143,600 sqm, Serbian Mine Action Centre conducted quality control of the works for the part of the site, which Contractor Millennium Team Ltd., carried out in accordance with SMAC’s project, International Mine Action Standards (IMAS) and Standard Operating Procedures. On this occasion, the control did not establish any critical errors ... Read more
Implementation of Cluster Munitions Clearance Project from Niš Constantine the Great Airport - 7th Phase Site
On the 29th September 2021, in connection with the implementation of works according to Cluster Munitions Clearance Project from the Niš Constantine the Great Airport - 7th Phase Site, Nо 0241/21, City of Niš, representatives of SMAC, in cooperation with company Airports of Serbia Ltd. Niš, organized a working meeting with contractor Millennium Team Ltd. in order to analyze the results achieved so far and solve the challenges that the contractor is facing ... Read more
Survey of new mine suspected areas
in Bujanovac
On the 24th September 2021, representatives of Serbian Mine Action Centre, together with representatives of the Emergency Management Headquarters of the Municipality of Bujanovac, went to see the site between the Nesalce - Vrban villages, where a fire broke out in August this year, causing detonations of varying intensity, which gives reasons to suspect that the area has been contaminated with groups of mines. On this ocassion, local firefighters ... Read more
Quality control on Končulj – Transmission
line 1 and 2 project
On the 23rd September 2021, as a part of follow up to the implementation of Demining Project of the Končulj Transmission Line 1 and 2 site, Bujanovac Municipality, Serbian Mine Action Center carried out quality control at a part of the site searched and demined by NGO Stop Mines, Pale, Republic of Srpska, Bosnia and Herzegovina., in accordance with the SMAC Project, International Mine Action Standards and Standard Operating Procedures ... Read more
Commencement of works according to cluster munitions clearance project Niš Constantine the Great Airport
– 7th phase site
On the 18th September 2021, with the introduction of contractor Millennium Team Ltd., Belgrade, into works, commenced the implementation of cluster munitions clearance project from the Niš Constantine the Great Airport - 7th phase site, area totaling 69,540 sqm. The project has been developed at the request of Airports of Serbia Ltd., Niš, considering the planned construction works in the territory of the airport complex and the need to create conditions for safe execution of these works. Funds have been provided ... Read more
Introduction into Works According to ERW Risk Reduction Project for Construction and Reconstruction
of Novi Sad Port
Implementation of Explosive Remnants of War Risk Reduction Project for Construction and Reconstruction of Novi Sad Port commenced on the 17th September 2021, by introducing contractor "Millennium Team" ltd. Belgrade into works. The project has been developed in accordance with the request of DP World Novi Sad, as an investor of the project works. The site is situated in the City of Novi Sad - the Port of Novi Sad. Given that the planned construction and reconstruction ... Read more
Presentation of Ammunition Management Advisory Team of Geneva International Center for Humanitarian
Demining in Čačak
On the16th September 2021, in the premises of Joint Stock Company Sloboda, Čačak, in cooperation with Serbian Mine Action Centre, presentation of the Ammunition Management Advisory Team (AMAT) of the Geneva International Center for Humanitarian Demining (GICHD) was held. On the occasion, AMAT presented their work and possibilities related to the accident that happened in June this year in the Sloboda company, in Čačak. AMAT has been represented ... Read more
Regional Technical Survey Course Held
in Sarajevo
Serbian Mine Action Centre participated in the Regional Technical Survey Course, which was held in the period 6-10 September 2021, in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, and organized by the Geneva International Center for Humanitarian Demining (GICHD) in partnership with Norwegian People's Aid (NPA). SMAC was represented by Director, Mr Bojan Glamočlija and Assistant Director - Head of the Sector for Legal Affairs and Operational Support, Ms Jelena Krstić ... Read more
Participation of SMAC at Demining and EOD Seminar
in Sarajevo
In the period 7-9 September 2021, in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Demining and EOD Seminar was held, organized by "Intelligence-Sec", British based company specialized in organizing conferences in the area of security industry and the Federal Administration of Civil Protection of Bosnia and Herzegovina. In addition to representatives of mine action centers from the Southeast Europe, the Seminar was attended by mine action experts ... Read more
Non-Technical Survey Course Held
in Stans
In the period from 16 to 27 August 2021 in Stans, Switzerland, the 70th Partnership for Peace (PfP) Global Course on Non-Technical Survey, which was attended by a representative of the Serbian Mine Action Centre - Assistant Director - Head of Sector for Legal Affairs and Operational Support, Ms. Jelena Krstić, was held. The course, conducted on behalf of the Swiss Federal Department of Defence ... Read more
Introduction into works for „Končulj Transmission
Line 1 and 2“ project in Bujanovac
On the 26th August 2021, implementation of Demining Project of the "Končulj-Transmission Line 1 and 2" site, the Municipality of Bujanovac, totalling 294.230 sqm, commenced. The project has been developed by the Mine Action Centre of the Republic of Serbia, which will supervise the project implementation and conduct quality control of the works. Contractor is NGO Stop Mines, Pale, Republic of Srpska, Bosnia and Herzegovina. The project has been financed by the funds of the Government of the Republic of Serbia ... Read more
Final control of phase 1 according то ERW Clearance Project at Katun 2 site and measurement of productivity
at Military Depot 2 site in Vranje
On the 25th August 2021, SMAC representatives conducted final quality control of Phase 1 of the Project for Clearance of Explosive Remnants of War at the Katun 2 site in Vranje, within which contractor "Millennium Team" ltd. Belgrade, conducted ERW clearance up to 50 cm. The control did not establish any critical errors defined by this Project. Furthermore, on this occasion, measurement of productivity on the part of the project “Military Depot 2” in Vranje ... Read more
Commencement of phase 1 of works according tо Project for Clearance of Explosive Remnants of War at Military Depot 2 site and quality control of works at Katun 2 site, municipality of Vranje
On the 20th August 2021, with the introduction of a manual demining team of contractor "Millennium Team" ltd., Belgrade, into works, commenced the implementation of Phase 1 - clearance up to 50 cm on Project for Clearance of Explosive Remnants of War at the Military Depot 2 site in Vranje ...Read more
Demining Project оf the 10 Kv and 110 kv Transmission
Line Route in the Territory of
Bujanovac Municipality
On 18 August 2021, as a follow up activity of the implementation of Demining Project of the10 Kv and 110 kv Transmission Line Route in the Territory of Bujanovac Municipality, the Serbian Mine Action Centre conducted quality control of the works for the part of the site, which contractor NGO Stop Mines, Pale, Republic of Srpska, Bosnia and Herzegovina, carried out in accordance with the SMAC’s project, International Mine Action Standards (IMAS) and Standard Operating Procedures ...Read more
Survey of Osonica site
at Ivanjica
On August 10, 2021, following assertions of residents of Osonica settlement in the Municipality of Ivanjica that unexploded bombs remaining from the 1999 bombing could be found in their community, representatives of Serbian Mine Action Centre conducted a survey of the site, and aiming to warn the population of danger and ban an entry, marked suspected area in accordance with the International Mine Action Standards. Until now, the site has not been registered as suspected ...Read more
Completion of works on
Borovac 4 project
03rd August 2021 saw the final quality control of the area cleared in accordance with Cluster Munitions Clearance Project for Borovac 4 Site, totalling 108.961 sqm, Municipality of Bujanovac. No critical errors were identified, which provided conditions for the completion of field works.
The project was funded by the US State Department donation through ITF Enhancing Human Security. The works were carried out by N.G.O. IN Demining, Pale ...Read more
Visit to site nearby Sloboda
Company in Čačak
As a follow up to the meetings in the previous period with representatives of the Ministry of Defense, the Ministry of Interior - Sector for Emergency Management, Technical Overhaul Institute Kragujevac, as well as representatives of defence industry factories, on the 2nd August 2021, at the invitation of SLOBODA Joint Stock Company in Čačak, representatives of the Serbian Mine Action Centre, together with representatives of the Technical Overhaul Institute Kragujevac ...Read more
Quality control on ERW clearance project of areas in the zone of the bridge at Sremska Rača and along planned
route of Belgrade - Sarajevo highway,
Sremska Rača - Kuzmin section
On the 28th July 2021, SMAC representatives conducted quality control on the parts of the ERW clearance project of areas in the zone of the bridge at Sremska Rača and along planned route of Belgrade - Sarajevo highway, Sremska Rača - Kuzmin section.
Quality control of the part оf Phase 2 was conducted. Within this Phase, contractor "Millennium Team" Ltd., Belgrade, conducted depth search up to 3 m. Quality control has established that there are no ERWs ...Read more
Visit to the Site of Demining Project of the10 kV and 110kV Transmission Line Route in the Territory of Bujanovac Municipality
As a follow up on the implementation of Project for demining of the 10kV and 110kV transmission lines in the territory of the Municipality of Bujanovac and reconciliation of data in the field with the requirements of the end user of demined area, representatives of the Serbian Mine Action Centre, in the presence of contractor NGO Stop Mines, Pale, Bosnia and Herzegovina, monitoring organization, Eksploring ltd., Mostar, Bosnia and Herzegovina ...Read more
Improving the capabilities of the Republic of Serbia
in the field of demining and destruction
of unexploded ordnance
On the 23th July 2021 in the frame of project "Improving the capabilities of the Republic of Serbia in the field of demining and destruction of unexploded ordnance", Ministry of defense Republic of Serbia and Mine Action Centre, organized helicopter tour of demining site in municipality of Bujanovac, together with representatives Delegation of the European Union to the Republic of Serbia, H.E. Mr. Sem Fabrizi Ambassador and Head of Delegation of the European Union ...Read more
Presentation of digital deep search metal
detector by company "CEIA"
Company " CEIA " in cooperation with the Serbian Mine Action Centre, held a presentation of digital deep search metal detector for UXO and cluster munitions detection DSMD, also and lightweight compact detectors CMD, on July 19, 2021, in the expanded business facilities of SMAC, in teaching facilities with training ground and site, in Grocka, for the needs of company Millennium Team ltd. The participants had the opportunity to exchange experiences ...Read more
Final quality control of works on the project
,,Borovac 3,, and commencement of works on
the project ,,Borovac 4,,
Final quality control of the area cleared in accordance with Project for Clearance cluster munitions for ,,Borovac 3” Site, No. 0158/14, area totalling 101.968 sqm, Municipality of Bujanovac, carried out on the 15th July 2021, with no critical errors identified, has provided conditions for the completion of field works.
During the implementation of the works, 1 piece of cluster munitione BLU 97A/B was found.
After the completion of works on the above mentioned project ...Read more
Visit of NPA representatives
At 15. July 2021. the Serbian Mine Action Center (SMAC) was visited by representatives of the Norwegian people`s aid (NPA), Kristina Đurić, Acting Country Director Bosnia and Herzegovina Mine Action and Disarmament Department, Darvin Lisica, Chief Technical Advisor, Charles Frisby, Special Advisor и Nick Bray, Chief Technical Advisor for Arms Management Destruction in order to get familiarized with the current situation related to mine action standards and challenges ...Read more
ICDO Representatives Visited ERW Clearance Sites
"Dubnica" and "Military depot 1"
On the 14th July 2021, Serbian Mine Action Center organized a visit to clearance sites on the projects for clearance of explosive remnats of war at the ,,Dubnica,, and ,,Military depot 1,, site, municipality Vranje, for the representatives of the International Civil Defence Organization (ICDO) - investor of clearance works.
During the visit, the attendees had the opportunity to get acquainted with the clearance results and the specificity of this project ...Read more
GICHD Study on Difficult Terrain in the Balkans
In the period 4-8 July 2021, as part of the Study conducted by the Geneva International Center for Humanitarian Demining (GICHD) on the difficult terrain in mine action, which focuses on the countries in the Balkans, the GICHD representative had the opportunity to visits "difficult terrain" in Serbia, together with the representatives of the Serbian Mine Action Centre.
The primary objective of the study is to support national authorities ...Read more
Reception on the occasion of Independence Day - National Holiday of the United States of America
On 2nd July 2021, US Ambassador to Serbia, Mr Anthony Godfrey, organized a reception on the occasion of Independence Day - the national holiday of the United States of America, which is celebrated on July 4th. The celebration was attended by SMAC Director, Mr Bojan Glamočlija, as well as representatives of political, diplomatic, cultural and public life in the Republic of Serbia. SMAC Director ...Read more
Visit of GICHD representatives aimed at assessing the Information Management of SMAC
In the period June 28 to July 2, 2021, the Geneva International Center for Humanitarian Demining (GICHD) Information Management team visited the Serbian Mine Action Centre in order to use the Information Management Capacity Development Framework to assess SMAC’s ...Read more
Commencement of works according то project for clearance of explosive remnants of war at Military depot 1 site and quality control of works at Dubnica site,
municipality of Vranje
On the 25th June 2021, with the introduction of contractor "Millennium Team" ltd., Belgrade, into works, commenced the implementation of Project for Clearance of Explosive Remnants of War at the Military Depot 1 site, Municipality of Vranje, area totalling 164.300 sqm. On this occasion, machine team ...Read more
2021 Intersesional Meetings of the States Parties
to the Ottawa Convention
Intersessional (semi-annual) Meetings of the States Parties to the Convention on the Prohibition of the Use, Stockpiling, Production and Transfer of Anti-Personnel Mines and on Their Destruction (Ottawa Convention), were held in Geneva, in the period from 22 to 24 June 2021. Due to the ongoing restrictions related to COVID-19, the Intersessional Meetings ...Read more
SMAC participation at 17th International Symposium
Mine Action 2021
Representatives of the Serbian Mine Action Centre participated in the work of the 17th International Symposium - Mine Action 2021, which was held from 16 to 18 June 2021 in Novi Vinodolski, Republic of Croatia, and organized by the Ministry of Interior of the Republic of Croatia and the Croatian Mine Action Centre – Centre for Testing, Development and Training in cooperation with the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE Project Co-coordinator in Ukraine) ...Read more
Commencement of works according то Project for Clearance of Explosive Remnants of War at the „Dubnica“ site Municipality of Vranje
On the 12th June 2021, with the introduction of contractor "Millennium Team" ltd., Belgrade, into works, commenced the implementation of Project for Clearance of Explosive Remnants of War at the „Dubnica“ site, Municipality of Vranje, area totalling 170,600 sqm.
The site was contaminated with various types of explosive ordnance and their remnants, after fire and explosion affected improvised military depot in mid-June 2000, near Vranje ...Read more
Commencement of works in accordance with
“Sjenica – Čedovo” project
10th June 2021 saw the commencement of the implementation of cluster munitions clearance project from one more site in the Municipality of Sjenica,.
It is the cluster munitions clearance project developed by SMAC, for the “Sjenica – Čedovo” site, total area 89.450 sqm.
After the representatives of the Serbian Mine Action Centre checked the documentation and equipment that will be used, contractor Saturnia Ltd. Belgrade, and company "Exploring" Ltd ...Read more
Presentation of Protective Equipment for Demining
by Company "Proizvodnja Mile Dragić"
Company "Proizvodnja Mile Dragić" in cooperation with the Serbian Mine Action Centre, held a presentation of protective equipment for demining, on June 11, 2021, in the expanded business facilities of SMAC, ie teaching facilities with training ground and site, in Grocka.
The presentation was attended by the representatives of the Sector for Emergency Management of the Ministry of Interior, Ministry of Defense, as well as representatives of demining organizations ...Read more
ICDO Representatives Visited Cluster Munitions
Clearance Site in Niš
On the 10th June 2021, in cooperation with the Serbian Mine Action Center and company Airports of Serbia ltd. Niš, visit to cluster munitions clearance site in Niš for the „Airport Niš - Phase 5“ Project was arranged for the representatives of the International Civil Defence Organization (ICDO) - investor of clearance works.
During the visit, the attendees had the opportunity to get acquainted with the clearance results and the specificity of this project on which works ...Read more
Evaluation Commission for Selection of Contractors for Demining Clearance Project held
On the 8th June 2021, in the premises of the Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia in Belgrade, in the arrangement of the Ljubljana based ITF Enhancing Human Security (ITF), and with the participation of a representative of the Embassy of the Republic of Korea and a representative the U.S. Embassy in Belgrade as donor countries and representatives of Serbian Mine Action Center (SMAC), evaluation commission for the selection of contractors for demining ...Read more
Final quality control of works on
Sjenica – Vapa project
Final quality control of the area cleared in accordance with Cluster Munitions Clearance Project for Sjenica – Vapa Site, totalling 338.416 sqm, Municipality of Sjenica, carried out on the 3rd June 2021, with no critical errors identified, has provided conditions for the completion of field works. The project has been financed by the US State Department donation through ITF Enhancing Human Security. The works were carried out by N.G.O. IN Demining ...Read more
Ponikve Airport site visit
On June 2, 2021, in order to look at the situation and solve the problem related to contamination with explosive remnants of war, but also the problem of radioactive material and restoration of maneuvering areas at the Ponikve Airport complex, Serbian Mine Action Centre together with representatives of company Airports of Serbia ltd. and Public Company Nuclear Facilitiy of Serbia, went to assess the hangars (reinforced concrete shelters) at the site ...Read more
Quality control on “Istočni Mojstir - Ponor”
Оn the 28th May 2021, as a follow up activity of the implementation of Technical Survey Project for the Istočni Mojstir - Ponor site in the Municipality of Tutin, area 515.000 sqm, Serbian Mine Action Centre conducted quality control of the works for the part of the site, which Contractor N.G.O. STOP Mines, Pale, Republic of Srpska, Bosnia and Herzegovina, carried out in accordance with SMAC’s project, International Mine Action Standards (IMAS) and Standard ...Read more
Quality control on “Sjenica – Vapa”
As a follow up activity of the implementation of Cluster Munitions Clearance Project for the “Sjenica - Vapa” Site, totalling 338.416 sqm, Sjenica Municipality, on the 27th May 2021, Serbian Mine Action Centre conducted quality control of the works for the part of the site, which Contractor N.G.O. IN Demining, Pale, Republic of Srpska, Bosnia and Herzegovina, carried out in accordance with SMAC’s project, International Mine Action Standards (IMAS) and Standard Operating Procedures.
On this occasion, the control ...Read more
Place and Role of SMAC Presentation at 4th International Conference оn Mine Clearance in Moscow
On the 27th May 2021, Director of the Serbian Mine Action Centre, Mr Bojan Glamočlija, at the ongoing 4th International Conference оn Mine Clearance in Moscow, gave a presentation entitled "The Place and Role of the Serbian Mine Action Centre".
On this occasion, he presented to the participants the activities of SMAC regarding solving problems related to the remaining areas contaminated with mines and explosive remnants of war in the Republic of Serbia ...Read more
Participation of SMAC at 4th International Conference
оn Mine Clearance in Moscow
25th May 2021 saw the commencement of the 4th International Conference on Mine Clearance in Moscow, Russian Federation, organized by the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation. The Serbian Mine Action Centre will be participating in the work of this conference, which will be held until May 28, 2021. In addition to SMAC, the Republic of Serbia will be represented by the Ministry of Defence.
The conference is attended by experts in the field action ...Read more
Commencement of works according to cluster
munitions clearance project of
"Niš Airport - 5th phase" site
The project was made at the request of Airports of Serbia Ltd., Niš, considering the planned construction works in the territory of the airport complex and the need to create conditions for safe execution of these works. This project will also cover a part of contaminated area of the airport complex under the jurisdiction of the Serbian Army. The project is funded through the Program of Assistance of the Russian Federation to the Republic of Serbia in the field of humanitarian ...Read more
Quality control on ERW clearance project of areas in
the zone of the bridge at Sremska Rača and along
planned route of Belgrade - Sarajevo highway,
Sremska Rača - Kuzmin section
Оn the 20th May 2021, SMAC representatives conducted quality control on the part of the ERW clearance project of areas in the zone of the bridge at Sremska Rača and along planned route of Belgrade - Sarajevo highway, Sremska Rača - Kuzmin section.
Quality control of the part оf Phase 1 was conducted. Within Phase 1, contractor "Millennium Team" Ltd., Belgrade, searched and cleared the area to a depth of 50 cm.
Quality control of the mentioned part ...Read more
Cooperation between SMAC and
C.E.I.A. company
On the 19th May 2021, representatives of Serbian Mine Action Centre met with representatives of renowned Italian company "C.E.I.A." specialized in the production of high-performance Ground Search Metal Detectors. In the training premises with a site and ground for demining training, in Grocka, guests from Italy had the opportunity to get acquainted with training capacities of SMAC. On the other hand, C.E.I.A. presented its approach to the development of its detectors ...Read more
Bujanovac site visit with potential
In cooperation with the Serbian Mine Action Centre and ITF Enhancing Human Security, on the 18th May 2021, as part of the tender procedure for the selection of contractors for mine clearance project for Končulj–Transmission Line 1 and 2 site, Bujanovac Municipality, area 294.230 sqm, a visit to the site was organized with potential Offerors.
Potential Offerors had the opportunity to see in the field the complexity and difficulty of mine clearance operations ...Read more
Continuation of works in accordance with
“Sjenica – Čedovo 1” project
17th May 2021 saw the continuation of the implementation of cluster munitions clearance project from one more site in the Municipality of Sjenica.
Due to unfavourable weather conditions, cluster munitions clearance project developed by SMAC, for the “Sjenica – Čedovo 1” site, total area 74.474 sqm, had been suspended.
After the representatives of the Serbian Mine Action Centre checked the documentation and equipment that will be used, contractor Saturnia ...Read more
On May 13, 2021, Serbian Mine Action Centre, in its expanded business capacities, i.e. teaching premises with a site and ground for demining training, in Grocka, hosted representatives of the U.S. Embassy and the U.S. European Command (EUCOM) based in Stuttgart, FR Germany.
Ever since the foundation of SMAC, the U.S. Government has been one of the most important partners and donors in the field of humanitarian demining in ...Read more
12th May 2021 saw the continuation of the implementation of technical survey project for Istočni Mojstir - Ponor site in the Municipality of Tutin, area 515.000 sqm, contaminated with cluster munitions.
Due to unfavourable weather conditions, the field operations had been suspended last year.
After the representatives of the Serbian Mine Action Centre checked the documentation and equipment that will be used ...Read more
Mine suspected area at
Ležimir site
For the purpose of clear and visual warning, as well as banning the population from entering the area suspected to be contaminated with mines and explosive remnants of war (ERW), emplaced during 1991, in the vicinity of the former hotel "Ležimir", in the settlement of Ležimir, Municipality of Sremska Mitrovica, below is the scheme of mine suspected area.
Once again we appeal to everyone to behave responsibly and do not enter marked area...Read more
Continuation of works in accordance with
“Sjenica – Vapa”
7th May 2021 saw the continuation of the implementation of cluster munitions clearance project from а site in the Municipality of Sjenica, which had been suspended last year due to unfavourable weather conditions
The project in question is cluster munitions clearance project developed by SMAC, for the “Sjenica – Vapa” site, total area 338,416 sqm. Funds for the implementation of the project ..Read more
Serbian company Mile Dragić Production internationally recognized in ballistic protective equipment manufacturing such as ballistic protective vests, ballistic and intervention helmets, ballistic plates, intervention equipment and other protective equipment used for protection from high temperatures, electric shock and chemical protection has provided the Serbian Mine Action Centre with protective demining equipment for the implementation of training activities within ...Read more
Quality control on ERW clearance project of areas in the zone of the bridge at Sremska Rača and along
planned route of Belgrade - Sarajevo highway,
Sremska Rača - Kuzmin section
On the 27th April 2021, representatives of SMAC additionally marked and emplaced mine risk warning signs, for the purpose of clear and visual warning, as well as banning the population from entering the area suspected to be contaminated with mines and explosive remnants of war (ERW), emplaced during 1991, in the vicinity of the former hotel "Ležimir", in the settlement of Ležimir, Municipality of Sremska Mitrovica/ Bearning in mind the upcoming holidays ...Read more
Additional marking and emplacement of mine
warning signs at the "Ležimir" site
On the 27th April 2021, representatives of SMAC additionally marked and emplaced mine risk warning signs, for the purpose of clear and visual warning, as well as banning the population from entering the area suspected to be contaminated with mines and explosive remnants of war (ERW), emplaced during 1991, in the vicinity of the former hotel "Ležimir", in the settlement of Ležimir, Municipality of Sremska Mitrovica/ Bearning in mind the upcoming holidays ...Read more
Strengths and opportunities in
mine action
The UNMAS Geneva office prepared a short video excerpt of an informal virtual roundtable „Strengths and Opportunities in Mine Action”, held on the 7 April 2021. On the occasion of the International Day for Mine Awareness and Assistance in Mine Action, the representative of SMAC ...Read more
Cooperation with
Prva Iskra – namenska proizvodnja A.D.
As a follow up to the recently established cooperation with Barič based company "Prva Iskra – namenska proizvodnja" AD, representatives of the Serbian Mine Action Centre, took over today, on April 23, 2021, delaborated air bombs (shells) - FAB250 and FAB275. Metal shells do not contain fuses, nor any initial device оr explosives, and are safe for further use, that is the SMAC will use them for conducting various training courses according to the highest world standards ...Read more
Quality control on part of ERW clearance project of areas in the zone of the bridge at Sremska Rača and along planned route of Belgrade - Sarajevo highway, Sremska Rača - Kuzmin section
In the period 20-21 April 2021, SMAC representatives conducted quality control on the part of Explosive Remnants of War (ERW) Clearance Project of Areas in the Zone of the Bridge at Sremska Rača and along Planned Route of Belgrade - Sarajevo Highway, Sremska Rača - Kuzmin Section. Quality control was conducted of the area of 110.000 sqm, within part of Phase 1, which contractor "Millennium Team" Ltd., Belgrade, searched and cleared to a depth of 50 cm ...Read more
Quality control on part of ERW clearance project of areas in the zone of the bridge at Sremska Rača and along planned route of Belgrade - Sarajevo highway,
Sremska Rača - Kuzmin section
On the April 15, 2021, SMAC representatives conducted quality control on the part of Explosive Remnants of War (ERW) Clearance Project of Areas in the Zone of the Bridge at Sremska Rača and along Planned Route of Belgrade - Sarajevo Highway, Sremska Rača - Kuzmin Section. Quality control of the part оf Phase 1 was conducted. Within Phase 1, contractor "Millennium Team" Ltd., Belgrade, searched and cleared the area to a depth of 50 cm. The analysis has established that ...Read more
Visit to Prva iskra – namenska proizvodnja a.d.
in Barič
On the 14th April 2021, Serbian Mine Action Centre Director, Mr Bojan Glamočlija, met with Director of the Barič based company "Prva iskra - namenska proizvodnja" a.d., Mr Stanoje Biočanin. During the meeting, the work of SMAC and "Prva iskra-namenska proizvodnja" a.d. have been presented. Director of SMAC, Mr Glamočlija, introduced the hosts to the teaching capacities of our MAC, too, with the aim of considering possible cooperation ...Read more
Quality control on ERW clearance project of areas in the zone of the bridge at Sremska Rača and along planned
route of Belgrade - Sarajevo highway,
Sremska Rača - Kuzmin section
On April 7, 2021, SMAC representatives conducted quality control on the part of the ERW clearance project of areas in the zone of the bridge at Sremska Rača and along planned route of Belgrade - Sarajevo highway, Sremska Rača - Kuzmin section.
Quality control of the part оf Phase 2 and Phase 3, area 330.058 sqm was conducted.
For the implementation of these Phases, which comprise depth recording of the terrain from 1.5m to 6 m, contractor ...Read more
SMAC participation at UNMAS virtual roundtable
To mark the International Day for Mine Awareness and Assistance in Mine Action, the UNMAS Geneva office organized on the 7 April 2021 an informal virtual roundtable „Strengths and Opportunities in Mine Action “. On this occasion, the representatives of SMAC pointed out the achievements of the Republic of Serbia in the field of mine action, with a special focus on strengths and opportunities emerging in ...Read more
Quality control on ERW clearance project of areas in the zone of the bridge at Sremska Rača and along
planned route of Belgrade - Sarajevo highway,
Sremska Rača - Kuzmin section
On April 2, 2021, SMAC representatives conducted quality control on the part of the ERW clearance project of areas in the zone of the bridge at Sremska Rača and along planned route of Belgrade - Sarajevo highway,Sremska Rača - Kuzmin section. Within Phase 1 of this Project, "Millennium Team" Ltd., Belgrade and subcontractor "ARM Razminiranje" Ltd., Belgrade, searched and cleared the area to a depth of 50 cm. Quality control has determined that there are no ERWs or anomalies that indicate ...Read more
Mееting with Mayor of Vranje
On the 1st April 2021, in the premises of the City Administration of the City of Vranje, SMAC Director, Mr Bojan Glamočlija, met with Mayor Dr Slobodan Milenković, as well as the representative of the City Emergency Management Headquarters and the representative of the Sector for Emergency Management, in order to discuss the explosive remnants of war (ERW) related problem in the territory of this city. Considering the implementation of current and future infrastructure projects of public interest ...Read more
GICHD webinar attended by SMAC
On March 31, 2021, the Geneva International Centre for Humanitarian Demining (GICHD) first part of a two-part webinar series that build on key findings outlined in GICHD recently published ‘Review of New Technologies and Methodologies for EORE in Challenging Contexts’ was hosted ...Read more
Cooperation of Relevant Authorities on Creating Conditions for Safe Infrastructural Development of Ponikve Airport as Regards Protection Against Explosive Remnants of War
On the 29th March 2021, in the premises of the Mine Action Centre of the Republic of Serbia, a meeting was held with representatives of the Ministry of Defense – General Headquarters, Ministry of Interior - Sector for Emergency Management, Airports of Serbia Ltd. Niš, as well as Public Company "Ponikve Airport", Užice, regarding the available information and documentation referring to search and clearance of the areas from explosive remnants of war (ERW) remaining after the 1999 NATO bombing ...Read more
Zoom meeting with GICHD research team
On the 24th March 2021, representatives of the Serbian Mine Action Centre (SMAC) held a virtual meeting with the representatives of the GICHD Standards and Operational Efficiency Division. GICHD is planning to conduct a study on difficult terrain in mine action. This study will focus on countries in the Balkans. Mutual cooperation and SMAC potential support ...Read more
Anti-Personnel Mine Ban Convention
(Ottawa Convention) - Discussion with the
Committee on Article 5 Implementation
On the 24th March 2021, representatives of the Serbian Mine Action Centre, in cooperation with the representative of the Permanent Mission of the Republic of Serbia to the UN in Geneva, held a virtual bilateral meeting with the Committee on Article 5 Implementation, chaired by Zambia, and consisting of representatives from Norway, Belgium ...Read more
Visit to Morava and Ponikve Airports
On the 18th March 2021, representatives of SMAC met at the premises of Airports of Serbia Llc. with Director Mr Mihajlo Zdravković and representatives of the Serbian Army regarding the development of a future project for clearance of explosive remnants of war (ERW) remaining from the 1999 bombing. Given that the capacities of the civilian Morava Airport near Kraljevo are being expanded, and having in mind that the area of the military airport Lađevci near Kraljevo ...Read more
Quality Control on Cluster Munitions Clearance
Project "Constantine the Great Airport - 6th Phase"
in Niš
On the 14th March 2021, as part of monitoring the implementation of the Cluster Munitions Clearance Project "Constantine the Great Airport - 6th Phase", No. 0233/20, City of Niš, SMAC performed quality control of the first phase of the Project. In the first phase, the contractor "Nucleus" Ltd., Belgrade, cleared the area to a 50 cm depth, in accordance with the SMAC project, International Mine Action Standards (IMAS) and Standard Operating Procedures ...Read more
SMAC Director On TV Studio B
On the 10th March 2021, at the invitation of TV Studio B, Director of Mine Action Centre, Mr Bojan Glamočlija was a guest on the broadcast "Good Afternoon" and on that occasion pointed out the specificity of mine action in the Republic of Serbia - problems related to remaining explosive remnants of war contamination, as well as the need for continuous training ...Read more
Commencement of works according to ERW clearance
project of areas in the zone of the bridge at
Sremska Rača and along planned route of
Belgrade - Sarajevo highway,
Sremska Rača - Kuzmin section
Implementation of ERW clearance Project of the areas in the zone of the bridge at Sremska Rača and along planned route of the Belgrade - Sarajevo highway, section Sremska Rača – Kuzmin, No. 0226/20, commenced on March 8, 2021, by introducing contractor "Millennium Team" Ltd., Belgrade, and subcontractor ARM Razminiranje Ltd., Belgrade, into works. The project was made in accordance with the request of the Ministry of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure ...Read more
Commencement of works according to
Cluster Munitions Clearance Project
"Constantine the Great Airport - 6th Phase"
in Niš
On the 4th March 2021, with the introduction of selected contractor "Nucleus Team" Ltd., Belgrade, into works, commenced the implementation of Cluster Munitions Clearance Project for the site “Constantine the Great Airport – 6th Phase”, No. 0233/20, City of Niš. The project was developed in accordance with the request of company "Airports of Serbia" Ltd., Niš, as an investor of works. The project site is located in the territory of the City of Niš, outside the complex ...Read more
Completion of Cluster Munitions Clearance
on Kopaonik
The first clearance operations of the sites contaminated by cluster munitions on the Kopaonik Mountain began in April 2005. As of the end of 2020, 10 cluster munitions clearance projects were implemented, i.e. the area totalling 2,368,834 sqm was cleared in accordance with the International Mine Action Standards (IMAS) and handed over for safe civilian use. The projects were developed by the Serbian Mine Action Centre (SMAC), while the implementation ...Read more
Bujanovac site visit with
potential offerors
On the 24th February 2021, in cooperation with the Serbian Mine Action Centre and ITF Enhancing Human Security, as part of the tender procedure for the selection of contractors for cluster munitions clearance projects from the "Borovac-3" and "Borovac-4" sites, Bujanovac Municipality, as well as the mine clearance project for 10 kV and 110 kV transmission line route in the territory of the Bujanovac Municipality, a visit to these sites was organized with potential Offerors ...Read more
Meeting with Bujanovac and Preševo
local authorities
On the 23rd February 2021, in the premises of the Municipality of Bujanovac, Serbian Mine Action Centre Director, Mr Bojan Glamočlija met with the Mayor of Bujanovac, Mr Nagip Arifi and a representative of the Emergency Management Headquarters of the Municipality of Bujanovac, Mr Ali Aslani, in order to continue successful cooperation on solving the problem related to explosive remnants of war in the territory of this Municipality. The implementation ...Read more
Visit to sites in the Bujanovac Municipality
On the 10th February 2021, representatives of the SMAC together with representatives of Joint Stock Company “Elektromreža Srbije” Belgrade, as well as the President of the Local Emergency Мanagement Headquarters and the President of the Local Community of Končulj, visited the sites suspected to be contaminated with groups of mines in Turija, Končulj and Đorđevac villages, in the Municipality of Bujanovac. In order to enable safe maintenance of the transmission ...Read more
Survey of Borovac 3 and Borovac 4 Sites
in Bujanovac
On the 29th January 2021, representatives of the SMAC conducted an additional survey and inspection of the "Borovac-3" and "Borovac-4" sites intended for cluster munitions clearance, in the Municipality of Bujanovac, in order to update the projects.
The projects will be submitted to ITF Enhancing Human Security, with whom SMAC has excellent co-operation, and which will conduct tender procedures for the selection of contractors in the coming period ...Read more
Meeting with US Embassy
Оn the 26th January 2021, SMAC Director, Mr Bojan Glamočlija, met with Political Counselor at the U.S. Embassy, Mr John Rutherford, in order to analyze previous U.S. cooperation and assistance and to discuss future directions of support in the field of humanitarian demining and mine action in Serbia. Ever since the establishment of the SMAC, the U.S. Government has been one of the most significant partners and donors in the field of humanitarian ...Read more