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Home » Participation of SMAC at Demining and EOD Seminar in Sarajevo

Participation of SMAC at Demining and EOD Seminar
in Sarajevo

 Participation of SMAC at Demining and EOD Seminar in Sarajevo

In the period 7-9 September 2021, in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Demining and EOD Seminar was held, organized by "Intelligence-Sec", British based company specialized in organizing conferences in the area of security industry and the Federal Administration of Civil Protection of Bosnia and Herzegovina.

 Participation of SMAC at Demining and EOD Seminar in Sarajevo

In addition to representatives of mine action centers from the Southeast Europe, the Seminar was attended by mine action experts, representatives of donors, representatives of international humanitarian organizations, UN, NATO, as well as representatives of manufacturers of demining machines and tools, protective equipment for deminers and other accompanying equipment and tools related to demining.

 Participation of SMAC at Demining and EOD Seminar in Sarajevo  Participation of SMAC at Demining and EOD Seminar in Sarajevo

Experiences and opinions were exchanged regarding the mine action in the SEE region, NATO support programs and strategies, UN demining objectives and strategies, as well as international programs and support. As part of the live demonstration, demining equipment and the deployment of the demining team were presented.

Representatives of the SMAC, within the presentation entitled “Mine and ERW Clearance Operations across the Republic of Serbia", introduced the participants, among other things, to the current clearance projects in our country, technology used by operators and the challenges they have been facing.