Archive 2018
Completion of 4 projects in Bujanovac Municipality
On 5th December 2018, Serbian Mine Action Centre organized an event to mark the completion of works on mine clearance and technical survey projects in the Bujanovac Municipality.
These are demining project for the “Dobrosin” site, totaling 220.000 sqm, demining project for the "Lučane" site, area of 73.200 sqm, project for technical survey of the "Topolska mahala" site, area of 71.120 sqm and project for technical survey of the "Đorđevački rid" site, area of 145.100 sqm.
In 2018, the Government of the Republic of Serbia allocated funds for humanitarian demining operations in the Municipality of Bujanovac, which were "matched", namely enlarged by the funds of the US State Department and the Government of the Republic of Korea, through ITF Enhancing Human Security (ITF).
The above projects totaled 509.420 sqm, 24 mines and 1,345 pieces of various types of UXO (1 hand grenade, 2 hand mortars, 1 rifle grenade and 1.341pieces of 7.62 mm bullet) were found and safely destroyed.
The projects were developed by SMAC, which monitored the implementation and performed quality control over the works.
Works on the "Dobrosin" project (220.000 sqm) started on September 22, 2018 and completed on November 23, 2018. The works were carried out by company "IN Demining" with subcontractor "DOK-INTERNATIONAL". Two teams of (19) deminers were engaged. Company "Trotil" d.o.o. was hired by ITF and donors as a monitoring organization for this project. 9 pieces of anti-personnel mines (6 pieces of PMA-2 and 3 pieces of PMR-2A) were found and safely destroyed.
Works on the "Topolska mahala" project (71.120 sqm) started on September 26, 2018 and were completed on October 6, 2018. The works were carried out by "Stop Mines" association, with monitoring organization "Exploring", in charge of monitoring on behalf of ITF and donors. 1 team (10) of deminers was engaged. 4 pieces of anti-personnel mines (3 pieces of PMA-1 and 1 piece PMR-2A) were found and safely destroyed.
Works on the "Djordjevacki rid" project (145,100 sqm) started on September 26, 2018 and were completed on October 20, 2018. The works were carried out by company "Saturnia" d.o.o., with subcontractor "Stop Mines", and monitoring organization "Minemon". Two teams (18) of deminers were engaged. 5 pieces of anti-personnel mines (5 pieces of PMA-2) were found and safely destroyed.
Completion of demining at these locations contributes to an increase of safety of local population by creating conditions for safe forest exploitation, farming and mushroom picking, which are the main sources of income for the local population.
Furthermore, this also demonstrates a strong commitment of the Republic of Serbia to the fulfillment of its obligations from the Anti-Personnel Mine Ban Convention (Ottawa Convention).
17th Мeeting of the States Parties to the Ottawa Convention Held in Geneva, Switzerland
The 17th Meeting of the States Parties (17MSP) to the Convention on the Prohibition of the Use, Stockpiling, Production and Transfer of Antipersonnel Mines and on their Destruction took place in Geneva, Switzerland, from 28 to 30 November 2018.
At this meeting, States Parties and Non-States Parties, interested organizations and members of civil society had the opportunity to assess progress in implementing the commitments under the Convention, as regards mine clearance, stockpile destruction and victim assistance, and discuss how to achieve a common goal - a mine free world by 2025.
The Delegation of the Republic of Serbia, consisting of the Head of the Permanent Mission of the Republic of Serbia to the UN and other international organizations in Geneva, Ambassador Dejan Zlatanović, Acting Director of the Mine Action Center, Jovica Simonović, Planning and International Co-operation Advisor at the Mine Action Center, Slađana Košutić, Third Secretary at the Permanent Mission of the Republic of Serbia to the UN and other international organizations, Miloš Djurdjević, informed the participants of the activities of the Serbian Mine Action Center, mine situation on the territory of the Republic of Serbia with a special emphasis on mine clearance in the south of Serbia, presenting the request for an extension of the deadline for fulfilling obligations under Article 5 of the Convention, which the Republic of Serbia submitted in March this year, given that the March 2019 deadline, Serbia is unable to meet, primarily due to the lack of funds for the implementation of our demining projects.
At this meeting, the Republic of Serbia was granted the request for an extension for a period of 4 years, that is, until March 1, 2023.
The Republic of Serbia once again stressed its full commitment to this Convention by committing itself to complete clearance of the remaining mined area in order to protect its population, but also to increase global human security and fulfill the global goal - a mine free world by 2025.
On the margins of this meeting, Acting Director of the Mine Action Center, Jovica Simonović, had bilateral meetings with the regional center directors (Croatian Mine Action Center and Bosnia and Herzegovina Mine Action Center), where they discussed the improvement of cooperation between these centers and the implementation of joint projects.
On October 16th 2018, the SMAC organized a visit of the Medoševac site in the Municipality of Crveni Krst, the City of Niš, for the Program Manager for Europe at the Bureau of Political-Military Affairs of the US State Department, Mr Ethan Rinks, as well as for the representatives of the US Embassy in Belgrade and ITF Enhancing Human Security.
SMAC developed cluster munitions clearance project for this site. The implementation of the site operations is planned for 2019, owing to the US donation through ITF.
After clearing the unexploded cluster munitions from this site, which is inhabited with about 300 houses, the danger that cluster munitions represent for the inhabitants of Medoševac will be eliminated, given that the gardens in the yards, orchards and arable land next to the settlement are cultivated by residents at their own risk, as well as the football pitch used by the youth of the City of Niš.
“Humanitarian Demining in Bosnia and Herzegovina: Road to Completion” Event Held
At the invitation of the Council of Ministers of Bosnia and Herzegovina and the Delegation of the European Union to Bosnia and Herzegovina, Jovica Simonović, Acting Director of the Mine Action Center of the Republic of Serbia, attended the event entitled "Humanitarian Demining in Bosnia and Herzegovina: Road to Completion", which was held in the period 18 -19 October 2018 in Sarajevo.
The aim of the meeting was to gather mine action stakeholders in order to identify challenges and speed up activities to implement the aspects of the Maputo 2014-2019 Action Plan regarding the Anti-Personnel Mine Ban Convention (Ottawa Convention). Also, the meeting promoted mutual understanding and vision for the implementation of mine clearance undertaken by Bosnia and Herzegovina and other countries in the region.
In addition to the representatives of the member states of the Ottawa Convention, national mine action centers from countries in the region and representatives of the most important international organizations for demining and mine victims assistance, representatives of the European Union, representatives of the International Committee of Red Cross, representatives of other international organizations participated in the meeting.
Demining operations in Bujanovac
For the year 2018, the Government of the Republic of Serbia allocated funds for humanitarian demining operations in the Bujanovac Municipality, which were matched by the funds of the US Government and the Government of the Republic of Korea, through ITF Enhancing Human Security.
These are demining project for Dobrosin site, area of 220.000 m2, demining project for "Lučane" site, area of 73.200 m2, project for technical survey of "Topolska mahala" site, area of 71.120 m2 and project for technical survey of “Đorđevački rid" site, area of 145.100 m2.
The projects were developed by the Mine Action Center, which supervises the implementation and performs quality control over the works.
Implementation of “Dobrosin” project is in progress.
"Topolska mahala" project completed on October 18, 2018. The works were carried out by contractor "Stop Mines", with the monitoring organization "Exploring", in charge of monitoring on behalf of ITF and donors. 4 pieces of anti-personnel mines (3 pieces of PMA-1 and 1 piece of PMR-2A) were found and safely destroyed.
"Djordjevacki rid" project completed on October 19, 2018. The works were carried out by contractor “Saturnia" doo, with the monitoring organization "Minemon". 5 pieces of anti-personnel mines (5 pieces of PMA-2) were found and safely destroyed.
Implementation of “Lučane" project will commence on October 20, 2018. The works will be performed by "Stop mines" with the monitoring organization "Exploring".
Demining at these sites contributes to increase of safety of local population and creates conditions for safe forest exploitation, cultivation of land, farming and mushroom picking, which are the main sources of income for local population. Also, this contributes to fulfillment of the obligations from the Antipersonnel Mine Ban Convention (Ottawa Convention), thus proving full commitment of the Republic of Serbia to the obligations undertaken.
Japanese Donation for Demining in the Bujanovac Municipality
On the 18th October 2018, in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Serbia, the signing ceremony for the Agreement on Japanese grant for demining in the Municipality of Bujanovac, with the ITF Enhancing Human Security, was held.
In the presence of State Secretary Nemanja Stevanović and Parliamentary Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of Japan Kenji Yamada, the Agreement was signed by Ambassador of Japan to the Republic of Serbia Junichi Maruyama and ITF Director Ambassador Tomaž Lovrenčič.
The signing of this Agreement was preceded by the initiative of the Mine Action Center of the Republic of Serbia, which, as the national body responsible for the coordination of humanitarian demining operations, pointed out to the representatives of the Embassy of Japan in Belgrade the need to demine contaminated areas in the territory of the Republic of Serbia, particularly stressing the lack of financial resources for the implementation of our projects.
In cooperation with ITF, which also actively participated in lobbying with the Japanese side, funds have been secured, thus enabling mine clearance in accordance with the project developed by our Mine Action Center for the location "Turijska Brda" in the Municipality of Bujanovac, area of 389.200 m2. Field operations will be carried out in the following period.
ITF will conduct tender procedures for the selection of a contractor. The Mine Action Center will introduce the selected contractor to the works according to our project, monitor the performance of the works in the field, perform quality control and upon completion of the works and the final control, it will issue a clearance certificate.
Demining will eliminate the danger that the mines pose to people and the environment, namely, safe forest exploitation, cultivation of land, cattle farming, collection of mushrooms, will be enabled, which is all for the population of this underdeveloped municipality of the Republic of Serbia of an invaluable importance.
Commencement of Demining Project at Dobrosin site in Bujanovac
On September 22, 2018, commenced the implementation of Demining Project of the "Dobrosin" site, the Municipality of Bujanovac, totaling 220,000 sqm.
The project has been developed by the Mine Action Centre of the Republic of Serbia, which will supervise the project implementation and conduct quality control of the works.
Contractor is "In Demining" with subcontractor “DOK-INTERNATIONAL“.
The project has been financed by the funds of the Government of the Republic of Serbia, allocated for the humanitarian demining operations in the Bujanovac Municipality, and matched through ITF Enhancing Human Security by the donation of the US State Department and the donation of the Republic of Korea.
Company “Trotil”, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, has been employed by ITF and donors as a monitoring organization on this project.
Demining of the location will contribute to an increase of safety of local population and provide possibilities for safe exploitation of forest, cattle grazing and picking of mushrooms, which are one of main sources of an income of local population.
Demining operations in Ćuprija
Implementation of the "Demining Project for the Ćuprija -2 location" began on 23 August 2018.
On this project developed by the Mine Action Center of the Republic of Serbia (SMAC), which will be conducting quality control of the works, the contractor is the Russian Federal State Agency "Emercom", namely its specialized organization "Emercom Demining", which for the tenth year in a row has been conducting demining in the vicinity of the military depot where on 19 October 2006 occurred a fire and explosion.
This year’s project totals 606.000 sqm.
By implementation of this project, the danger UXO poses to humans and the environment will be eliminated, contributing to an increase of security of population and creation of opportunities for the safe use of land and forest exploitation.
The project is funded by the Government of the Russian Federation within the assistance to the Republic of Serbia in demining its territories and objects.
As a reminder, so far in Paraćin and Ćuprija, in the period 2009-2017, the area of 5.380.060 sqm has been demined, where 12.710 pieces of various UXO has been found and safely destroyed.
Intersessional Meeting of the States Parties to the Ottawa Convention Held in Geneva
The Intersessional Meeting of the States Parties to the Convention on the Prohibition of the Use, Stockpiling, Production and Transfer of Antipersonnel Mines and on their Destruction (Ottawa Convention) took place in Geneva, from 7 to 8 June 2018. The Intersessional (semiannual) meeting of the States Parties to the Convention represents a permanent mechanism for reviewing and verifying the activities undertaken so far in the implementation of this Convention.
Representatives of the Mine Action Center of the Republic of Serbia, in cooperation with the Permanent Mission of the Republic of Serbia to the UN in Geneva, introduced the participants to the activities of the Mine Action Center of the Republic of Serbia, the mine situation on the territory of the Republic of Serbia, with a special emphasis on demining in the south of Serbia and the extension request for fulfilling obligations under Article 5 of the Convention, which the Republic of Serbia submitted in March this year, given that the deadline expiring in March 2019 will not be possible for Serbia to meet, primarily due to lack of financial resources for implementation of our demining projects.
On the margins of the Intersessional meeting of the Convention, at the event held within the so-called "Individualized" approach to countries that have not fulfilled the obligations under Article 5 of the Convention, representatives of the Republic of Serbia, in the form of an appropriate presentation, demonstrated to potential donors, experts and other stakeholders that could help Republic Serbia in solving the remaining problems related to anti-personnel mines, the challenges and difficulties the Republic of Serbia is facing and asked for an appropriate support.
Meeting with the representative of the ISU to the Ottawa Convention
Representatives of the Mine Action Centre of the Republic of Serbia accompanied by the representative of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Sector for Security Policy, Mr Miloš Purković, met with Mr Gregory Cathcart from the Implementation Support Unit of the Anti-Personnel Mine Ban Convention (Ottawa Convention).

Given that the Republic of Serbia will not be able to fulfill its obligations within their deadline, which is 1 March 2019, the extension request will be submitted.
The meeting was held within the preparation of the Republic of Serbia for submitting a second extension request.
The participants discussed the previous achievements, the reasons why the commitments were not fulfilled, as well as the plans for resolving the remaining mine problem in the following period.
Visit of the CROMAC delegation
On January 29, 2018, the representatives of the Mine Action Center of the Republic of Serbia met with the delegation of the Croatian Mine Action Center (CROMAC) consisting of Mr. Zdravko Modrušan, Director of the CROMAC, Mrs. Djurdja Adlešič, President of the CROMAC Board of Directors, as well as representatives of the Embassy of the Republic of Croatia in Belgrade, HE. Ambassador Мr. Gordan Bakota and Mr. Stjepan Glas, Minister Plenipotentiary.
At the meeting the participants exchanged previous experience of the two countries in the field of mine action and humanitarian demining and expressed the need and willingness for deepening the joint cooperation in this area, primarily through the implementation of potential cross-border cooperation projects financed from EU funds.
Visit of ITF Representatives
On January 26, 2018, Acting Director of the Mine Action Centre of the Republic of Serbia, Mr. Jovica Simonović, met with the representatives of ITF Enhancing Human Security, Mr. Tomaž Lovrenčič, Director and Mr. Gregor Sančanin, Head of ITF Representative Office in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Left to right: Tomaž Lovrenčič, Jovica Simonović, Gregor Sančanin
The participants analysed the results of previous cooperation, discussed the current situation regarding cluster munitions, mines, air bombs and other unexploded ordnance that are still in the territory of Serbia, as well as the needs and priorities of Serbia in the field of humanitarian demining in the following period.
In the forthcoming period, as was the case in the previous period, the Serbian MAC will develop and submit to ITF projects for humanitarian demining and other mine action activities in order for ITF to secure donations and implement tender procedures for selection of contractors.