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By the Rulebook on the Internal Arrangement and Systematization of Workplaces in the Serbian Mine Action Centre, number: 110-00-2/20/2023-01 of August 8, 2023, to which the Government of the Republic of Serbia gave its consent with Conclusion 05 number: 110-7254/ 2023 from August 25, 2023, the internal arrangement and systematization of workplaces in the Serbian Mine Action Centre has been determined. Twelve workplaces with twelve civil servants are systematized by this rulebook for the performance of tasks within the scope of the SMAC, namely:

Civil servants holding position:
- First group of positions (one civil servant);
- Fourth group of positions (two civil servants)

Executive positions of civil servants:
- One position in the title of higher advisor (one civil servant);
- Two jobs in the title of senior adviser (two civil servants);
- Four jobs in the title of adviser (four civil servants);
- Two jobs in the title of officer (two civil servants).

1. Director

Manages and plans the work of the Center; provides expert instructions, coordinates and supervises the work of civil servants in the Center; performs tasks of European integrations; achieves international cooperation within the scope of the Center; organizes the legal and efficient performance of demining operations in accordance with regulations and international standards; ensures publicity in the work and availability of information of public importance; performs other tasks in accordance with the Law.

2. Assistant Director
- Position in the fourth group -

Manages the work of the Sector and coordinates, plans and directs its work; provides expert guidance to employees in the Sector, supervises their work and performs the most complex tasks within the scope of the Sector; cooperates with competent ministries and other bodies and organizations in the execution of tasks from interconnected areas of work; participates in professional development processes of civil servants in the Sector; performs other duties as directed by the Director of the Center.

3. Position for Supervision and Coordination of Demining
- Higher Advisor -

Prepares proposals and procedures for carrying out professional work in the field of humanitarian demining and coordination of demining in the Republic of Serbia; prepares the professional basis in the process of preparing regulations in the field of humanitarian demining and cooperates with members of working groups for the drafting of laws and other regulations; prepares and develops projects and project tasks for humanitarian demining and plans, organizes and coordinates tasks related to survey, humanitarian demining and quality control of demining; performs control and supervision of contractors' plans for carrying out demining on the areas that are the subject of the contractors' plans and makes opinions from the scope of the Center; checks the documentation of companies and organizations for the performance of humanitarian demining operations and proposes the issuance or non-issuance of approval; creates standard operating procedures for the Information System for Mine Action (IMSMA Core), organizes the management and use of the database in the system regarding the records of locations where cluster munitions, aerial bombs-missiles are located or are suspected to be located. mines and other unexploded ordnance and about locations that have been demined in accordance with International Standards for Mine Action; monitors the implementation of international agreements and international standards in the field of demining and proposes measures for improvement in this field; prepares training programs for warning the population about the dangers of explosive remnants of war, as well as training programs for EOD levels 1, 2, 3 and 3 +, according to International Standards for Mine Action; prepares proposals and procedures for conducting trainings and organizes trainings and sessions for professional development; performs other duties as directed by the assistant director according to the International Standards for Mine Action; prepares proposals and procedures for conducting trainings and organizes trainings and sessions for professional development; performs other duties as directed by the assistant director.

4. Position for Personnel and Legal Affairs
- Senior Advisor -

Drafts individual legal acts related to the exercise of rights, obligations and responsibilities of civil servants in the field of labor relations; provides expert assistance in the process of evaluating the work performance of civil servants and prepares reports on the analysis of the work performance evaluation cycle; analyzes staffing needs, prepares a draft staffing plan and a proposal for an act on the internal organization and systematization of workplaces in the Center; monitors the implementation of the adopted HR plan and performs the duties of a job analyst; monitors the career development of civil servants and prepares appropriate professional development programs; prepares and updates information on work, acts on requests for free access to information of public importance and protection of personal data and prepares reports in accordance with the law that regulates this area; participates in the preparation and performs professional tasks for the implementation of the tender procedure, coordinates the work of commissions and prepares acts in the tender procedure; proposes the adoption of an act on risk assessment at work, monitors the implementation of anticipated risks related to work safety and proposes measures for their elimination; cooperates with narrower internal units, bodies, organizations and institutions of public administration, in order to provide advice and collect or exchange important information; performs other duties as directed by the assistant director. monitors the realization of anticipated risks related to work safety and proposes measures to eliminate them; cooperates with narrower internal units, bodies, organizations and institutions of public administration, in order to provide advice and collect or exchange important information; performs other duties as directed by the assistant director. monitors the realization of anticipated risks related to work safety and proposes measures to eliminate them; cooperates with narrower internal units, bodies, organizations and institutions of public administration, in order to provide advice and collect or exchange important information; performs other duties as directed by the assistant director.

5. Position for Survey, Project Development and Quality Control
– Advisor-

Participates in the preparation and drafting of acts concerning reconnaissance, project development and quality control of demining works; conducts reconnaissance of areas suspected of being contaminated by cluster munitions, mines and other unexploded ordnance and collects data; participates in determining the boundaries of areas suspected of being contaminated by cluster munitions, mines and other unexploded ordnance; performs quality control of general and technical reconnaissance and demining works; receives, classifies, records and archives documents in demining cases, and participates in the preparation of organized professional development and training; performs other duties as directed by the assistant director.

6. Position for Maintenance and Administration in the Information Management System for Mine Action and Quality Control
- Advisor -

Prepares and develops standard operating procedures for the Information System for Mine Action (IMSMA Core); monitors and analyzes the results of the use of the Information System for Mine Action (IMSMA Core); maintains, administers and creates the Information System for Mine Action (IMSMA Core); determines the boundaries of areas suspected of being contaminated by cluster munitions, mines and other unexploded ordnance; performs quality control of general and technical survey and demining works; performs other duties as directed by the assistant director.

7. Position for Administrative Affairs
- Officer-

Receives, inspects, registers and sorts mail and items and registers sent mail; receives parties and prepares the organization of meetings by order of the manager; participates in updating data on projects prepared by the Center; keeps personnel records and records on absence from work of employees in the Center; preparation of orders for official trips of employees in the country; participates in protocol affairs; performs other duties as directed by the assistant director.

8. Assistant Director
- Position in the fourth group -

Manages the work of the Sector and coordinates, plans and directs its work; provides expert guidance to employees in the Sector, supervises their work and performs the most complex tasks within the scope of the Sector; cooperates with competent ministries and other bodies and organizations in the execution of tasks from interconnected areas of work; participates in professional development processes of civil servants in the Sector; performs other duties as directed by the Director of the Center.

9. Position for Planning, International Cooperation and European Integrations
- Senior Advisor -

Preparing proposals for measures and activities aimed at improving international cooperation; cooperates with ITF Enhancing Human Security, representatives of donor countries, the Geneva International Centre for Humanitarian Demining, representatives of diplomatic and consular missions in the Republic of Serbia, non-governmental organizations and other entities dealing with the activities related to securing funds for humanitarian demining; monitors and analyzes the implementation of the obligations arising from the association and the EU accession process and provides expert instructions for monitoring the implementation of the obligations assumed by the Stabilization and Association Agreement under the jurisdiction of the authorities; participates in the work of international tender commissions for the selection of contractors for humanitarian demining in Serbia, which are financed from international donations; prepares the plan and program of the Center's work and reports on the Center's work; performs data processing in electronic form according to the standards of the Geographical Information System (GIS) on areas where cluster munitions, aerial bombs-rockets, mines and other unexploded ordnance are located or are suspected to be located. as well as about mined and demined areas; translates materials from English to Serbian and from Serbian to English; performs other duties as directed by the assistant director.

10. Position for Financial - material Affairs
- Advisor -

Prepares the documentation and participates in the preparation of the financial plan proposal for drafting the budget law; checks the correctness of prescribed forms, processes data forcalculation of salaries and other benefits of employees and controls data for the payment of employees' salaries; harmonizes and compares the accounting balance of the Treasury's main book with auxiliary books and records; prepares reports on the execution of the budget on a periodic and annual level;prepares documentation for the preparation of proposals for priority areas of financing;participates in the implementation of public procurement procedures and keeps records on the implementation of concluded contracts on awarded public procurements; participates in the performance of the financial management and control system; prepares data and participates in the preparation of the final account; performs other duties as directed by the assistant director.

11. Position for Cooperation with Media and Support for International Cooperation Affairs
- Advisor -

Prepares press releases, announces activities, prepares interviews and public appearances of representatives of authorities; organizes campaigns, media and other promotional events and creates promotional materials; participates in the development of cooperation proposals with the ITF Enhancing Human Security, representatives of donor countries, the Geneva International Center for Humanitarian Demining and other entities dealing with activities related to the provision of funds for humanitarian demining; prepares data, edits content and regularly updates information on the internet presentation and on the organization’s social networks; cooperates with media representatives; cooperates with narrower internal units, bodies, organizations and institutions of public administration, in order to provide advice and collect or exchange essential data; performs other duties as directed by the assistant director.

12. Position for Bookkeeping and Financial Documentation Processing
- Officer -

Prepares documentation for the payment of salaries, fees for employee transportation to and from work, calculates per diems and other expenses for employees' business trips; receives, records and checks the correctness of financial documentation; fills in the prescribed forms and submits them to the competent authorities within the prescribed deadlines; records all changes in business books and auxiliary records, controls and maintains prescribed analytical records, the data of which is harmonized with data from the Treasury's general ledger, and prepares accounting reports; prepares requests for the application of quotas and appropriations, makes sure that the requests for the transfer of funds are in accordance with the approved quotas; processes, counters and registers accounting documents; participates in the development of annual financial plans and budget proposals of the Center; performs other duties as directed by the director.