Archive 2014
In 2014, the Mine Action Center implemented the following:
- Survey of the area of about 20 million m2 suspected to be contaminated with mines, cluster munitions and other unexploded ordnance (Stara Pazova, Gadžin Han, Knić, Niš, Sjenica, Tutin, Bujanovac, Preševo, Šid, Kraljevo, Raška, Vranje Paraćin –survey of certain locations performed on several occasions);
- Returned to safe use the area of over 2.200.000 m2, through:
- Clearance of the area of 281.407 m2 contaminated with cluster munitions (Gadžin Han, Stara Pazova, Niš);
- Clearance of the area of 270.616 m2 contaminated with groups of mines (Bujanovac);
- Clearance of the area of 433.423 m2 contaminated with other unexploded ordnance (Paraćin, Čačak);
- Non-Technical Survey Cancellation of the area of around 700.000 m2 suspected to be contaminated by cluster munitions (Knić, Gadžin Han, Niš, Bujanovac, Sjenica);
- Non-Technical Survey Cancellation of the area of around 500.000 m2 suspected to be contaminated with mines (Bujanovac and Preševo);
- 2.030 pieces of cluster munitions, landmines and UXO were found and destroyed. In addition, a large number of exploded cluster munitions remnants and anti-personnel mines remnants were found;
thus contributing to:
- increase of safety of people;
- improved multi-ethnic and multi-national relations;
- provided safe exploitation of agricultural land;
- forest exploitation;
- rimplementation of development projects;
- environmental protection;
- fire protection.
Demining/Clearance and survey operations were funded by the USA and Russian Federation.
- Due to flooding in the region in May 2014:
- established regional expert team together with the Bosnia and Herzegovina Mine Action Centre and the Croatian Mine Action Centre for an intensive monitoring in the field of humanitarian demining, exchange of relevant information and data on defined mine contaminated locations, types of mines, possible directions of " mine movement" from the areas that were in the direction of the flood wave; collaboration on projects "Mine action after floods - Regional response to the crisis, development of technology and capacity building", "Non-technical survey of flooded mine risk areas of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia and Serbia", "Additional survey and re-marking of the flooded mine suspected areas of the approximate border zone between Croatia and Serbia.";
- conducted joint survey of expert teams of Mine Action Centre, Ministry of Interior - Sector for Emergency Situations and Serbian - Russian Humanitarian Center in the Republic of Serbia to assess the potential flooding related risk;
- several hundreds of people attended urgent mine risk education sessions (local population, international rescue teams, local rescue teams, journalists).
- established regional expert team together with the Bosnia and Herzegovina Mine Action Centre and the Croatian Mine Action Centre for an intensive monitoring in the field of humanitarian demining, exchange of relevant information and data on defined mine contaminated locations, types of mines, possible directions of " mine movement" from the areas that were in the direction of the flood wave; collaboration on projects "Mine action after floods - Regional response to the crisis, development of technology and capacity building", "Non-technical survey of flooded mine risk areas of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia and Serbia", "Additional survey and re-marking of the flooded mine suspected areas of the approximate border zone between Croatia and Serbia.";
- Participation in several tens of multilateral and bilateral meetings with international subjects and representatives of donor countries, such as:
- 11th International Symposium and Trade Fair "Mine Action 2014", 23 -25 April 2014, Zadar, Croatia,
- Third Review Conference of the Convention on the Prohibition of the Use, Stockpiling, Production and Transport of Anti-Personnel Mines and on their Destruction, Ottawa Convention, 23-27 June 2014, Maputo, Mozambique,
- Meeting with the Program Manager for European and Eurasian Affairs, Bureau of Political-Military Affairs, State Department, July 24, 2014, Belgrade,
- Meeting with the Secretary General of the Norwegian People's Aid (NPA), October 10, 2014, Belgrade;
- 11th International Symposium and Trade Fair "Mine Action 2014", 23 -25 April 2014, Zadar, Croatia,
- In order to upgrade the quality of development of execution plans for demining/clearance projects and final documentation of companies and organizations that are accredited or are in the process of obtaining accreditation for humanitarian demining in the Republic of Serbia, conducted Workshop "Development of operational plans and preparation of the final documentation for demining/clearance projects," 11-14 November 2014, Belgrade;
- Signed Memorandum of Understanding between the Mine Action Centre of the Republic of Serbia and the Croatian Mine Action Centre on cooperation in the field of mine action and humanitarian demining.
Completion of Workshop "Development of Execution Plans and Preparation of Final Documentation for Demining/Clearance Projects"
In the period 10 - 14 November 2014, the Mine Action Centre of the Republic of Serbia implemented a workshop entitled "Development of Execution Plans and Preparation of Final Documentation for Demining/Clearance Projects".
Apart from representatives of 16 companies and organizations that are accredited or are in the process of obtaining accreditation for humanitarian demining in the Republic of Serbia, the workshop was attended by representatives of the Bosnia and Herzegovina Mine Action Centre, Croatian Mine Action Centre, as well as representatives of the Russian Federal Agency "Emercom" and the representatives of the US Embassy in Belgrade.
The aim of the workshop was to upgrade the development of execution plans for demining/clearance projects and final documentation upon completion of the projects.
Survey and marking of cluster munitions and UXO contaminated areas
In the pеriod 3-9 November,.2014, teams of the Mine Action Center conducted a survey and marking of the locations suspected to be contaminated with cluster munitions and other unexploded ordnance (UXO) in the municipality of Knić and Kraljevo, as well as in the municipalities of Sjenica and Tutin. Also, a survey and marking of the areas suspected to be contaminated with UXO were conducted on the Airport Ponikve location, Užice.
Activities were undertaken to comprehensively perceive the areas that will be the subject of future projects for demining - cleaning.

Survey of confirmed cluster munitions contaminated area on the Bumbarevo Brdo location, Knic Municipality

Survey of suspected UXO contaminated area on the Bogutovac location, Kraljevo

Survey of confirmed cluster munitions contaminated area on the location Sjenica, Sjenica Municipality

Marking of suspected UXO contaminated area on the Ponikve Airport location, Uzice

Survey of suspected cluster munitions contaminated area on the location Ponor, Tutin Municipality
Meeting with the General Secretary of the Norwegian People's Aid (NPA)
On October 10, 2014, representatives of the Mine Action Centre of the Republic of Serbia (SMAC) met with the General Secretary of the Norwegian People's Aid, Ms. Liv Tørres and her associates, within her visit to the region. NPA is a Norwegian non-governmental organization dealing with humanitarian demining operations in the region since 1999, while in the territory of the Republic of Serbia NPA has started humanitarian demining operations in 2006. During the meeting, which was attended by NPA Regional Director for South Eastern Europe, Mr Darvin Lisica, and a representative of the Political Department of the US Embassy in Belgrade, Mr. Conor Walsh, Director of ITF Enhancing Human Security, Mr Damjan Bergant and his associates, participants analyzed the results of previous cooperation, discussed the current situation as regards cluster munitions, mines, air bombs and other unexploded ordnance still located in the territory of Serbia, as well as the needs and priorities of Serbia in the field of humanitarian demining, with the expressed willingness of NPA to continue their operational involvement in humanitarian demining in Serbia with financial support from the US through ITF, and in joint collaboration with the SMAC.
Workshop on Development of Operational Plans
In the period from 10 to 14 November 2014, the Mine Action Centre of the Republic of Serbia (SMAC) is organizing a workshop entitled "Development of operational plans and preparation of the final documentation for demining/clearance projects ".
SMAC is inviting all companies/organizations interested in conducting works of humanitarian demining in the Republic of Serbia to attend the workshop sending a representative directly engaged in these activities and who will, based on the knowledge gained at the workshop, contribute to enhanced preparation of operational plans for implementation of projects and final documentation upon completion of works on the projects.
By analyzing demining - clearance projects governed by the SMAC, it has been established that development of a Work Plan (Operational Plan) in accordance with the project, as well as preparation of the final report, namely preparation of the final documentation represents a particular and constant challenge for contractors.
Those interested in the workshop can apply by email at or by phone at + 381 11 30 45 280 and + 381 11 30 45 281 by 24 October 2014 (from 9:00 am to 15:00 pm).
Upon applying, interested companies and organizations must submit a brief company/organization profile, details of the person(s) who will attend the workshop (title, qualifications to perform demining and mine action activities, etc.), as well as an excerpt from the Serbian Business Registers Agency (SBRA).
The workshop will be held at the premises of the MAC in Belgrade, at 31, Vojvode Toze Street.