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Home » Anti-Personnel Mine Ban Convention (Ottawa Convention) - Discussion with the Committee on Article 5 Implementation

Anti-Personnel Mine Ban Convention
(Ottawa Convention) - Discussion with the
Committee on Article 5 Implementation

  Anti-Personnel Mine Ban Convention (Ottawa Convention) - Discussion with the Committee on Article 5 Implementation

On the 24th March 2021, representatives of the Serbian Mine Action Centre, in cooperation with the representative of the Permanent Mission of the Republic of Serbia to the UN in Geneva, held a virtual bilateral meeting with the Committee on Article 5 Implementation, chaired by Zambia, and consisting of representatives from Norway, Belgium and Sri Lanka.

The aim of the meeting was to share information regarding Serbia’s progress in implementation of its mine clearance obligations under Article 5. Furthermore, the importance of Serbia reporting on relevant Actions of the Oslo Action Plan in the submission of Serbia’s Article 7 Transparency Report was discussed.