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Home » 2021 Intersesional Meetings of the States Parties to the Ottawa Convention

2021 Intersesional Meetings of the States Parties
to the Ottawa Convention

 2021 Intersesional Meetings of the States Parties to the Ottawa Convention

Intersessional (semi-annual) Meetings of the States Parties to the Convention on the Prohibition of the Use, Stockpiling, Production and Transfer of Anti-Personnel Mines and on Their Destruction (Ottawa Convention), were held in Geneva, in the period from 22 to 24 June 2021. Due to the ongoing restrictions related to COVID-19, the Intersessional Meetings were held in a virtual format.

The delegation of the Republic of Serbia, consisting of representatives of the Permanent Mission of the Republic of Serbia to the UN in Geneva and the Serbian Mine Action Center, reported on the progress of the Republic of Serbia in fulfilling its obligations under Article 5 of the Convention, the challenges Serbia is facing, as well as the efforts Serbia is making in fulfilling its obligations.