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Home » Project promotion Strengthening the capacity of the Republic of Serbia in the field of demining and destruction of unexploded ordnance (certificate award)

Project promotion Strengthening the capacity of the Republic of Serbia in the field of demining and destruction of unexploded ordnance (certificate award)

 Project promotion Strengthening the capacity of the Republic of Serbia in the field of demining and destruction of unexploded ordnance (certificate award)  Project promotion Strengthening the capacity of the Republic of Serbia in the field of demining and destruction of unexploded ordnance (certificate award)

On November 19, 2021, starting at 15.00 pm, a closing ceremony on the occasion of the completion of the Project - Training of trainers for conducting explosive ordnance disposal training course level 1 (EOD level 1) and level 2 (EOD Level 2).

The project was implemented within the cooperation of SMAC and the Ministry of Defense, with the financial support of the European Union Delegation in Belgrade, aimed at strengthening the capacity of the Republic of Serbia in the field of demining and UXO destruction.

The ceremony was held in the expanded business facilities, i.e. teaching rooms with a training ground and a site for deminers, within the SMAC, in Grocka, where after the welcome and introductory speech by Director of SMAC, Mr Bojan Glamočlija, a demonstration exercise was held, which was carried out by the trainees- representatives of SMAC and the Ministry of Defense, as well as instructors.

Ambassador H.E. Emanuel Giaufret, Head of the EU Delegation to the Republic of Serbia and Acting Assistant Minister for Defense Policy of the Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Serbia General Predrag Bandić awarded the trainees - representatives of the SMAC and the Ministry of Defense with internationally recognized certificates.

 Project promotion Strengthening the capacity of the Republic of Serbia in the field of demining and destruction of unexploded ordnance (certificate award)  Project promotion Strengthening the capacity of the Republic of Serbia in the field of demining and destruction of unexploded ordnance (certificate award)  Project promotion Strengthening the capacity of the Republic of Serbia in the field of demining and destruction of unexploded ordnance (certificate award)  Project promotion Strengthening the capacity of the Republic of Serbia in the field of demining and destruction of unexploded ordnance (certificate award)  Project promotion Strengthening the capacity of the Republic of Serbia in the field of demining and destruction of unexploded ordnance (certificate award)  Project promotion Strengthening the capacity of the Republic of Serbia in the field of demining and destruction of unexploded ordnance (certificate award)  Project promotion Strengthening the capacity of the Republic of Serbia in the field of demining and destruction of unexploded ordnance (certificate award)  Project promotion Strengthening the capacity of the Republic of Serbia in the field of demining and destruction of unexploded ordnance (certificate award)  Project promotion Strengthening the capacity of the Republic of Serbia in the field of demining and destruction of unexploded ordnance (certificate award)  Project promotion Strengthening the capacity of the Republic of Serbia in the field of demining and destruction of unexploded ordnance (certificate award)

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