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Home » Improving the capabilities of the Republic of Serbia in the field of demining and destruction of unexploded ordnance

Improving the capabilities of the Republic of Serbia
in the field of demining and destruction
of unexploded ordnance

 Improving the capabilities of the Republic of Serbia in the field of demining and destruction of unexploded ordnance  Improving the capabilities of the Republic of Serbia in the field of demining and destruction of unexploded ordnance

On the 23th July 2021 in the frame of project "Improving the capabilities of the Republic of Serbia in the field of demining and destruction of unexploded ordnance", Ministry of defense Republic of Serbia and Mine Action Centre, organized helicopter tour of demining site in municipality of Bujanovac, together with representatives Delegation of the European Union to the Republic of Serbia, H.E. Mr. Sem Fabrizi Ambassador and Head of Delegation of the European Union to the Republic of Serbia and Colonel Pietro Mostardi, military attache Delegation of the European Union.

 Improving the capabilities of the Republic of Serbia in the field of demining and destruction of unexploded ordnance  Improving the capabilities of the Republic of Serbia in the field of demining and destruction of unexploded ordnance

At the beginning of the tour Mr. Bojan Glamoclija, director of Mine Action centre Republic of Serbia and Major General Želimir Glišović, Head of the Operations Department (J-3) of Serbian Armed Forces General Staff, presented to the Delegation of the European Union, the level of contamination of UXO sites in the Republic of Serbia, and then they went with colleagues by helicopter directly to the project of demining site in order to get acquainted with the work of deminers, as well as the challenges of demining projects.

 Improving the capabilities of the Republic of Serbia in the field of demining and destruction of unexploded ordnance  Improving the capabilities of the Republic of Serbia in the field of demining and destruction of unexploded ordnance  Improving the capabilities of the Republic of Serbia in the field of demining and destruction of unexploded ordnance

On that occasion, were reviewed the situation and previous activities in the field of demining and destruction of unexploded ordnance. It was indicated that Republic of Serbia, and donors, are making significant efforts to clean UXO sites, taking into account the size and specifics of UXO sites in the Republic of Serbia, and having in mind the available capabilities.

 Improving the capabilities of the Republic of Serbia in the field of demining and destruction of unexploded ordnance  Improving the capabilities of the Republic of Serbia in the field of demining and destruction of unexploded ordnance

Serbia has remained committed to fulfilling its international obligations, in order to complete the demining of the remaining minefield in order to protect its population, but in the direction of increasing global security and fulfilling the goal - a world without mines by 2025.