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Home » Found ERW on ERW Risk Reduction Project for Construction and Reconstruction of Novi Sad Port

Found ERW on ERW Risk Reduction Project for Construction and Reconstruction of Novi Sad Port

 Found ERW on ERW Risk Reduction Project for Construction and Reconstruction of Novi Sad Port  Found ERW on ERW Risk Reduction Project for Construction and Reconstruction of Novi Sad Port

On the Explosive Remnants of War Risk Reduction Project for Construction and Reconstruction of Novi Sad Port, during the implementation so far, ie, investigation of possible presence of underwater ERW, contractor Millennium Team ltd. Belgrade, has determined 21 anomalies by technical methods, after which divers identified one anomaly as an explosive remnant of war.

The demolition of found ERW was carried out by the members of the Sector for Emergency Management of the Ministry of Interior of the Republic of Serbia.