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Home » Survey of Borovac 3 and Borovac 4 Sites in Bujanovac

Survey of Borovac 3 and Borovac 4 Sites
in Bujanovac

  Survey of Borovac 3 and Borovac 4 Sites in Bujanovac    Survey of Borovac 3 and Borovac 4 Sites in Bujanovac

On the 29th January 2021, representatives of the SMAC conducted an additional survey and inspection of the "Borovac-3" and "Borovac-4" sites intended for cluster munitions clearance, in the Municipality of Bujanovac, in order to update the projects.

The projects will be submitted to ITF Enhancing Human Security, with whom SMAC has excellent co-operation, and which will conduct tender procedures for the selection of contractors in the coming period.

Funds for the implementation of these projects have been provided from the U.S. donation.

Cluster munitions clearance will eliminate danger for people and the environment, namely, it will enable safe exploitation of forests, cattle breeding, mushroom collecting, which is all for the population of this underdeveloped part of the Republic of Serbia of an invaluable importance.