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Home » Quality control on “Sloboda Čačak 1” project

Quality control on “Sloboda Čačak 1” project

 Quality control on “Sloboda Čačak 1” project  Quality control on “Sloboda Čačak 1” project

Аs a follow up activity of the implementation of UXO Clearance Project for "Sloboda Čačak 1" site, оn the 13th Оctober 2021, Serbian Mine Action Centre conducted quality control of the works for the part of the site, which Contractor Millennium Team Ltd., carried out in accordance with SMAC’s project, International Mine Action Standards (IMAS) and Standard Operating Procedures.

 Quality control on “Sloboda Čačak 1” project

The control was performed on the area which the contractor searched to a 50 cm depth. Also, the control included parts of the area where there are houses with auxiliary facilities, which the contractor inspected visually.

On this occasion, the control did not establish any critical errors defined by this Project.

The Contractor continues the works in coordination with SMAC.