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Home » AP Mine Ban Convention Implementation Support Unit Mission to Serbia

AP Mine Ban Convention Implementation Support Unit Mission to Serbia

 AP Mine Ban Convention Implementation Support Unit Mission to Serbia

In the period 8-10 December 2021, representative from AP Mine Ban Convention Implementation Support Unit visited the Serbian Mine Action Centre concerning the process of submission of an extension request of the Republic of Serbia for the fulfilment of Article 5 obligations.

ISU representative has had the opportunity to receive information concerning the current situation in Serbia regarding the implementation of its obligations under Article 5, as well as its challenges and need for support.

He has also visited the expanded facilities of SMAC, i.e. a classroom with a training ground and a site, in Grocka, where international EOD training courses have been conducting since 2020.

 AP Mine Ban Convention Implementation Support Unit Mission to Serbia  AP Mine Ban Convention Implementation Support Unit Mission to Serbia

During his mission to Serbia, SMAC organized for ISU representative to meet in Bujanovac with representatives of the Municipality of Bujanovac, local institutions and relevant participants in the demining process - operators that performed demining operations in this Municipality.

 AP Mine Ban Convention Implementation Support Unit Mission to Serbia  AP Mine Ban Convention Implementation Support Unit Mission to Serbia

He has also visited some of the remaining sites that are known to be contaminated with groups of mines, as well as those that were discovered after forest fires and explosions in August 2019 and 2021 in the Municipality of Bujanovac.

 AP Mine Ban Convention Implementation Support Unit Mission to Serbia  AP Mine Ban Convention Implementation Support Unit Mission to Serbia

We would like to thank ISU for visiting Serbia and for providing expert advice and support to SMAC concerning the extension request process and raising awareness of the international community about the mine problem in the Republic of Serbia.