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Home » Visit to sites in the Bujanovac Municipality

Visit to sites in the Bujanovac Municipality

  Visit to  sites in the Bujanovac Municipality    Visit to  sites in the Bujanovac Municipality

On the 10th February 2021, representatives of the SMAC together with representatives of Joint Stock Company “Elektromreža Srbije” Belgrade, as well as the President of the Local Emergency Мanagement Headquarters and the President of the Local Community of Končulj, visited the sites suspected to be contaminated with groups of mines in Turija, Končulj and Đorđevac villages, in the Municipality of Bujanovac.

  Visit to  sites in the Bujanovac Municipality

In order to enable safe maintenance of the transmission line for EMS workers, which was hindered due to suspicion that the site was contaminated by groups of mines, the SMAC developed a demining project, submitted it to the ITF Enhancing Human Security, through which the US donation was provided for demining operations. The implementation of this project is to start shortly, ie upon the completion of tender procedures for the selection of contractors.

  Visit to  sites in the Bujanovac Municipality    Visit to  sites in the Bujanovac Municipality

On this occasion, needs for the development of new demining projects have been considered, whose implementation will also contribute to increasing safety of EMS workers and creating conditions for safe maintenance of the transmission line route and access roads.