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Home » ICDO Representatives Visited Cluster Munitions Clearance Site in Niš

ICDO Representatives Visited Cluster Munitions
Clearance Site in Niš

 ICDO Representatives Visited Cluster Munitions Clearance Site in Niš  ICDO Representatives Visited Cluster Munitions Clearance Site in Niš

On the 10th June 2021, in cooperation with the Serbian Mine Action Center and company Airports of Serbia ltd. Niš, visit to cluster munitions clearance site in Niš for the „Airport Niš - Phase 5“ Project was arranged for the representatives of the International Civil Defence Organization (ICDO) - investor of clearance works.

 ICDO Representatives Visited Cluster Munitions Clearance Site in Niš  ICDO Representatives Visited Cluster Munitions Clearance Site in Niš

During the visit, the attendees had the opportunity to get acquainted with the clearance results and the specificity of this project on which works are conducted by company "Millennium Team" ltd., Belgrade. Namely, in addition to the civilian area of the airport complex, the project also includes a part of contaminated area which is under the jurisdiction of the Serbian Army.

ICDO provides assistance of the Russian Federation to the Republic of Serbia in the area of humanitarian demining, based on the Agreement on Cooperation between the Serbian Mine Action Centre and International Civil Defence Organization (ICDO) for the period 2019-2022, which was signed on the 5th December 2019.

After the completion of this project in Niš, the implementation of ERW clearance projects in Vranje will begin, which are also funded through ICDO.