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Home » Visit of GICHD representatives aimed at assessing the Information Management of SMAC

Visit of GICHD representatives aimed at assessing the Information Management of SMAC

 Visit of GICHD representatives aimed at assessing the Information Management of SMAC  Visit of GICHD representatives aimed at assessing the Information Management of SMAC

In the period June 28 to July 2, 2021, the Geneva International Center for Humanitarian Demining (GICHD) Information Management team visited the Serbian Mine Action Centre in order to use the Information Management Capacity Development Framework to assess SMAC’s information management capabilities and needs, as well as to offer detailed recommendations to SMAC to advance their information management processes and systems.

 Visit of GICHD representatives aimed at assessing the Information Management of SMAC

During the visit, SMAC organized a meeting with representatives of relevant state authorities in charge of clearance and demolition of explosive remnants of war in the Republic of Serbia, on which GICHD representatives presented the Information Management System in Mine Action (IMSMA) and the possibility of its application in EOD spot tasks, as well.

Furthermore, GICHD representatives had the opportunity to visit the expanded business facilities within the SMAC, namely training site and classroom equipped with replicas, exhibits and FFE’d ordnance of various origins (NATO, former Yugoslavia and former USSR), types and calibres, required to train an EOD course in accordance with International Mine Action Standards (IMAS).