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Home » Mines found on project Končulj – Transmission Line 1 and 2

Mines found on project Končulj – Transmission
Line 1 and 2

 Mines found on project Končulj – Transmission Line 1 and 2  Mines found on project Končulj – Transmission Line 1 and 2

During implementation of Demining Project for "Končulj – Transmission Line 1 and 2" site, in the Municipality of Bujanovac, contractor NGO Stop Mines, Pale, and subcontractor NGO IN Demining, Pale, Republic of Srpska, Bosnia and Herzegovina, in addition to previously found mines, found 1 more mine 2 PMR-2A and 2 pcs. of PMA 3, as well as 1 piece of a 76 cm artillery shell.

Demolition of ERWs, was carried out by members of the Sector for Emergency Management of the Ministry of Interior of the Republic of Serbia.