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Home » Bujanovac site visit with potential offerors

Bujanovac site visit with potential

In cooperation with the Serbian Mine Action Centre and ITF Enhancing Human Security, on the 18th May 2021, as part of the tender procedure for the selection of contractors for mine clearance project for Končulj–Transmission Line 1 and 2 site, Bujanovac Municipality, area 294.230 sqm, a visit to the site was organized with potential Offerors.

 Bujanovac site visit with potential offerors

Potential Offerors had the opportunity to see in the field the complexity and difficulty of mine clearance operations, for which SMAC developed a project, the Serbian Government allocated national funds and ITF, which will conduct tender procedure for the selection of contractors, matched the funds by the donations from the Governments of the Republic of Korea and the United States of America.

 Bujanovac site visit with potential offerors  Bujanovac site visit with potential offerors

Demining of the site will contribute to an increase of safety of local population and provide possibilities for safe exploitation of forest, cattle grazing and picking of mushrooms, which are one of main sources of an income of local population. Furthermore, it will contribute to the fulfillment of the obligations of the Republic of Serbia undertaken under the Anti-Personnel Mine Ban Convention (Ottawa Convention).

SMAC would like to extend its gratitude to ITF and the Embassy of the Republic of Korea and the U.S. Embassy for being reliable partners and donors, as well as appreciation for their continued support and commitment to solving the problems related to explosive remnants of war in the Republic of Serbia.