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Home » Final quality control on Končulj – Transmission Line 1 and 2 project

Final quality control on Končulj – Transmission Line
1 and 2 project

 Final quality control on Končulj – Transmission Line 1 and 2 project

In the period 21-22 October 2021, as a part of follow up of the implementation of Demining Project at the Končulj Transmission Line 1 and 2 site, Bujanovac Municipality, Serbian Mine Action Center carried out the final quality control at a part of the site searched and demined by contractor NGO Stop Mines and subcontractor In Demining, Pale, Republic of Srpska, Bosnia and Herzegovina, in accordance with the SMAC Project, International Mine Action Standards and Standard Operating Procedures.

 Final quality control on Končulj – Transmission Line 1 and 2 project

Quality control was carried out by manual method and by the use of mine detection dogs (MDDs).

Critical errors determined by this Project have not been established.