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Home » Commencement of implementation of project of improving capacities of the Republic of Serbia in the field of demining and destruction of unexploded ordnance

Commencement of implementation of project of
improving capacities of the Republic of Serbia in the
field of demining and destruction of unexploded ordnance

 Commencement of implementation of project of improving capacities of the Republic of Serbia in the field of demining and destruction of unexploded ordnance  Commencement of implementation of project of improving capacities of the Republic of Serbia in the field of demining and destruction of unexploded ordnance

On October 25, 2021, commenced the implementation of the Project - Training of trainers for conducting explosive ordnance disposal training course level 1 (EOD level 1) and level 2 (EOD Level 2). The introductory speech on the occasion of the commencement of the Project was given by Colonel Robert Kordik, Director of the Directorate for European Integrations and Project Management of the Defence Policy Sector of the Ministry of Defence, and Bojan Glamočlija, Director of Serbian Mine Action Centre.

 Commencement of implementation of project of improving capacities of the Republic of Serbia in the field of demining and destruction of unexploded ordnance  Commencement of implementation of project of improving capacities of the Republic of Serbia in the field of demining and destruction of unexploded ordnance

The project is being implemented within the cooperation of SMAC with the Ministry of Defence, and the financial support of the Delegation of the European Union in Belgrade.

 Commencement of implementation of project of improving capacities of the Republic of Serbia in the field of demining and destruction of unexploded ordnance  Commencement of implementation of project of improving capacities of the Republic of Serbia in the field of demining and destruction of unexploded ordnance

The training course is held in expanded business capacities within the SMAC, i.e. teaching premises with a ground and site for training of pyrotechnicians in Grocka.

Among the trainees area representatives of the SMAC and Ministry of Defence.

The training course is conducted in accordance with the International Mine Action Standards (IMAS). The lecturers are recognized international instructors who have many years of experience in both humanitarian demining and the conduct of international EOD training courses of all levels.

Upon completion of the training, the trainees will receive a certificate that has an international character.