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Home » Additional marking and emplacement of mine warning signs at the "Ležimir" site

Additional marking and emplacement of mine
warning signs at the "Ležimir" site

  Additional marking and emplacement of mine warning signs at the Ležimir site

On the 27th April 2021, representatives of SMAC additionally marked and emplaced mine risk warning signs, for the purpose of clear and visual warning, as well as banning the population from entering the area suspected to be contaminated with mines and explosive remnants of war (ERW), emplaced during 1991, in the vicinity of the former hotel "Ležimir", in the settlement of Ležimir, Municipality of Sremska Mitrovica.

  Additional marking and emplacement of mine warning signs at the Ležimir site    Additional marking and emplacement of mine warning signs at the Ležimir site

Bearning in mind the upcoming holidays and increased frequency, both of local population and visitors to nearby National Park "Fruška gora", at the Ležimir area, we appeal to locals, visitors to the National Park, hikers, to behave responsibly and do not enter marked area, thus preventing undesirable events to occur.

  Additional marking and emplacement of mine warning signs at the Ležimir site    Additional marking and emplacement of mine warning signs at the Ležimir site