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Home » Visit to Airport Ponikve Project Site with Potential Contractors

Visit to Airport Ponikve Project Site with Potential Contractors

On December the 7th, 2023, the Serbian Mine Action Centre organized visit to the Ponikve Airport site for potential contractors to be engaged on cluster munitions clearance project. Potential contractors had the opportunity to get acquainted with the specificities and complexities of the project in the field in order to adequately examine the project task and develop bids for conducting cluster munitions clearance operations on this site.

The cluster munitions clearance project for the Ponikve Airport-6 site, totalling 152.600 sqm, has been funded, through ITF Enhancing Human Security, by the Government of Serbia, the US and the Republic of Korea.

Visit to Airport Ponikve Project Site with Potential Contractors Visit to Airport Ponikve Project Site with Potential Contractors

The tender procedure for the selection of a contractor for the implementation of this project, organized by ITF and with the participation of representatives of donor embassies and SMAC, will be completed in the following period.

SMAC will introduce the selected contractor into the works, monitor the implementation and conduct quality control of the works and at the end issue clearance certificate for the site in accordance with SMAC project and International Mine Action Standards (IMAS).

Clearance of the site will create the necessary prerequisites for an increase of human safety, and continuation of strengthening of capacity and development of "Ponikve Airport", which will contribute to further development of this part of Serbia, especially in the field of tourism and the attraction of foreign investors.