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Home » 25th Anniversary of ITF Enhancing Human Security

25th Anniversary of ITF Enhancing Human Security

ITF Enhancing Human Security, based in Ljubljana, Slovenia, celebrated 25th anniversary of its establishment.

ITF is one of the most significant and reliable partners, which since the establishment of the Serbian Mine Action Centre in 2002, until now, has been continuously committed to solving problems related to humanitarian demining in the Republic of Serbia.

25th Anniversary of ITF Enhancing Human Security

25 years of dedicated work was also acknowledged by President of the Republic of Slovenia, Mrs Nataša Pirc Musar, who in her speech at the reception held on the occasion of this important jubilee, gave current and former ITF staff credit for their work. She also thanked the donors, including the Government of the Republic of Serbia, for their generosity and long-term financial and political support.


Since 2015, the Government of the Republic of Serbia has been allocating funds for demining in the south of Serbia, which ITF has been matching with donor funds.

In the previous period, through ITF, funds for demining and cluster munitions clerance in the Republic of Serbia were provided from donations by the USA, Spain, Germany, Norway, Canada, Czech Republic, EU, Ireland, Japan and South Korea. So far, a total of over USD 28,000,000 has been allocated.

Thanks to the cooperation of SMAC and ITF, in 2022, a project was launched to help victims of explosive remnants of war, which is supported by the Ministry of Labor, Employment, Veterans and Social Affairs of the Republic of Serbia.

SMAC Director, Mr Bojan Glamočlija and the employees hereby would like to send their cordial congratulations to their ITF colleagues and express their hope for continued successful cooperation in creating a safer world.