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Home » Final quality control of works on Sjenica – Vapa 1 project

Final quality control of works on
Sjenica – Vapa 1 project

Final quality control of the area cleared in accordance with Cluster Munitions Clearance Project for Sjenica – Vapa 1 Site, No. 0202/18, Municipality of Sjenica, carried out on the 9th July 2020, with no critical errors identified, has provided conditions for the completion of field works.

The project has been financed by the US State Department donation through ITF Enhancing Human Security.

The works were carried out by Belgrade based company “Saturnia” d.o.o., while the monitoring organization that was engaged by the donor and ITF was Eksploring, Mostar, Bosnia and Herzegovina.

The implementation of this project eliminated dangers posed by cluster munitions to humans and the environment. At the same time, clearance completion will enable optimal cultivation of agricultural land, which is of importance for the locals oriented to agriculture and cattle breeding.