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Home » Quality Control and UXO demolition on Stevan Sinđelić site in Niš

Quality Control and UXO demolition on Stevan Sinđelić site in Niš

On January 30, 2020, the Mine Action Center conducted quality control of the works carried out in accordance with the Amendment to Cluster Munitions and UXO Clearance Project from the Stevan Sinđelić Site, Number 216/19, Municipality of Crveni Krst, City of Niš.

  Quality Control and UXO demolition on Stevan Sinđelić site in Niš

It is the site that is intended for the construction of apartments for members of security forces.

Contractor Millennium Team, Belgrade, and subcontractor Alfa razminiranje, Niš, conducted UXO clearance of two basements of previously demolished premises.

During clearance, 2 hand grenades and 1 artillery shell fuse were found.

  Quality Control and UXO demolition on Stevan Sinđelić site in Niš      Quality Control and UXO demolition on Stevan Sinđelić site in Niš

The control did not establish any critical errors defined by this project.

In addition, on 30 January 2020, members of the Sector for Emergency Management of the Ministry of Interior of the Republic of Serbia carried out safely by application of an adequate method in situ demolition of found UXO.

Completion of the above mentioned works has provided the conditions for safe continuation of construction of apartments for members of security forces at this site.