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Home » Quality Control of 3rd Phase of Works on Jugovićevo 2 Project

Quality Control of 3rd Phase of Works on
Jugovićevo 2 Project

  Quality Control of 3rd Phase of Works on Jugovićevo 2 Project    Quality Control of 3rd Phase of Works on Jugovićevo 2 Project

On the 13 th December 2019, the Mine Action Center carried out quality control of the works completed in the Third phase of the Project for Demining-Clearance of Explosive Remnants of War from Jugovićevo-2 Site, No. 215/19, Novi Sad. The Third Phase includes ERW search up to a 18 m depth.

  Quality Control of 3rd Phase of Works on Jugovićevo 2 Project    Quality Control of 3rd Phase of Works on Jugovićevo 2 Project