Closing ceremony on the ocasion of Končulj Singerit
and Turijska Brda clearance completion
On 13 November 2019, at the site “Turijska Brda”, Bujanovac Municipality. Mine Action Centre of the Republic of Serbia organized official closing ceremony of Demining Project “Končulj – Singerit”, total area 198.600 sqm and Demining Project “Turijska Brda”, total area 389.200 sqm, in the Municipality of Bujanovac.
The projects were developed by the Mine Action Center, which followed the implementation and performed quality control over the works.
In 2019, the Government of the Republic of Serbia allocated funds for the humanitarian demining operations in Bujanovac, which were matched with the US donation and the donation of the Republic of Korea, through ITF Enhancing Human Security.
Also, in 2019, based on the Agreement on Japanese grant for demining in the Municipality of Bujanovac with the ITF Enhancing Human Security, for the first time, Japan has been providing support to our country in the field of humanitarian demining, too.
During the implementation of the field operations on these two projects, 20 antipersonnel mines and 15 pieces of various kinds of unexploded ordnance (UXO), were found and safely destroyed.
The completion of these projects contributes to an increase of safety of local population and provideс possibilities for safe exploitation of forest, cattle grazing and picking of mushrooms, which are one of main sources of income of local population.
Furthermore, this contributes to fulfillment of the obligations in accordance with the Convention on the Prohibition of Anti-Personnel Mines (Ottawa Convention), to which the Republic of Serbia is fully committed.
The event was attended by the representatives of donors, relevant state authorities, local authorities, implementing agencies, monitors, as well as representatives of media.
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