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Home » Demolition of Mines and UXO on Jugovićevo -2 Project

Demolition of Mines and UXO on Jugovićevo -2 Project

  Demolition of Mines and UXO on Jugovićevo -2 Project

On the 6th November 2019, demolition of mines and UXO found on the Project for Demining-Clearance of Explosive Remnants of War from " Jugovićevo-2" Site, No. 215/19, Novi Sad, was carried out.

In the presence of a representative of the Serbian Mine Action Center, mine and UXO demolition was carried out by representatives of the Sector for Emergency Management of the Ministry of Interior of the Republic of Serbia.

65 pieces of mines and UXOs found during the Phase 1 of the Project were destroyed on the occasion.