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Home » Workshop on development of national standards

Workshop on development of national standards

On the 25th October 2023, in the premises of Serbian Mine Action Centre (SMAC) in cooperation with Norwegian People’s Aid (NPA) expert, Mrs Katrin Atkins, a one-day workshop was organized with SMAC representatives aimed at discussing development of national standards - needs assessment, exchange of good practices.

Workshop on development of national standards Workshop on development of national standards

Within the NPA project aimed at improvement of quality management systems of national mine action authorities in the Western Balkans, and financed by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC), the Republic of Serbia has been provided with assistance in the development of national standards.

This workshop will contribute to building and strengthening of the capacity of the Republic of Serbia in the field of demining and mine action, primarily the quality management system, and we use the opportunity to thank the NPA expert and donors for the expertise and support provided, as well as for continued cooperation.