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Home » Opening of the new residence of the embassy of Serbia in Washington

Opening of the new residence of the embassy of Serbia in Washington

On October 16, 2023, in Washington, a formal reception was held on the occasion of the opening of the new residence of the Embassy of Serbia in the United States of America. It is a building that was bought by King Petar Second Karađorđević during the twentieth century. The building was neglected and in a dilapidated state for almost three decades, only to be completely renovated in the last 18 months.

Opening of the new residence of the embassy of Serbia in Washington Opening of the new residence of the embassy of Serbia in Washington

The opening of the new residence represents an opportunity for further improvement of relations between Serbia and the USA, as well as building new economic perspectives.

The ceremonial event was attended by high-ranking representatives of the State Department, representatives of the US military and other countries, leaders of the Serbian diaspora, the US envoy for the Western Balkans, Gabriel Escobar, and Major General John Harris, commander of the Ohio National Guard, with which the Serbian Army has been cooperating for 17 years as part of the State Partnership Program.

Opening of the new residence of the embassy of Serbia in Washington Opening of the new residence of the embassy of Serbia in Washington

At the invitation of the host, ambassador Mr. Marko Đurić, the reception was also attended by the director of the Mine Action Centre of the Republic of Serbia, Mr. Bojan Glamočlija.

On this occasion, the Mine Action Centre congratulates the Embassy of Serbia in the USA on the opening of a new residence in Washington.