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Home » GICHD Workshop on IMSMA Core for Mine Action Actors in the Republic of Serbia

GICHD Workshop on IMSMA Core for Mine Action Actors in the Republic of Serbia

GICHD Workshop on IMSMA Core for Mine Action Actors in the Republic of Serbia GICHD Workshop on IMSMA Core for Mine Action Actors in the Republic of Serbia

On March 23, 2023, as part of their multi-day visit to the SMAC, representatives of the Geneva International Center for Humanitarian Demining, Ms Ellie Cervigni and Ms Anna Paiuc in extended business capacities of our Center, i.e. classroom with a training ground for deminers in Grocka, held a workshop where the IMSMA Core was presented to representatives of the Ministry of Internal Affairs - Gendarmerie, Special Anti-Terrorist Unit, Police Department for the City of Belgrade, Sector for Emergency Situations, representatives of the Ministry of Defense and of the University of Defense, representatives of the Academy of Technical Vocational Studies from Niš, as well as PMC Engineering.

GICHD Workshop on IMSMA Core for Mine Action Actors in the Republic of Serbia GICHD Workshop on IMSMA Core for Mine Action Actors in the Republic of Serbia

During the workshop, participants had the opportunity to get acquainted with the information management principles and good practice, system composition, with the IMSMA Core presentation and demonstration.

During workgroup discussions, mine action actors in the Republic of Serbia listed challenges in the implementation of this system in our country, possibilities, opportunities and risks, agreeing that it is necessary to create a unique information system for managing information on mine action in the Republic of Serbia.

GICHD Workshop on IMSMA Core for Mine Action Actors
in the Republic of Serbia GICHD Workshop on IMSMA Core for Mine Action Actors in the Republic of Serbia

SMAC uses this opportunity to thank the GICHD for the donation of Information Management System for Mine Action IMSMA Core, which will contribute to the building and strengthening of the capacities of the Republic of Serbia in terms of unifying information, their access and sharing.