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Home » Оnline workshop on reporting: Ap mine ban convention Article 7 Transparency reports and Oslo Action Plan

Оnline workshop on reporting: Ap mine ban convention Article 7 Transparency reports and Oslo Action Plan

Оnline workshop on reporting: Ap mine ban convention Article 7 Transparency reports and Oslo Action Plan

On March the 9th, 2023, representatives of the SMAC, together with а representative of the Ministry of Labour, Employment, Veteran and Social Affairs, participated in an online workshop organized by the Implementation Support Unit of the Anti-Personnel Mine Ban Convention, dedicated to the Article 7 Transparency Reports and the Oslo Action Plan.

The workshop aimed to raise awareness of the Oslo Action Plan and the importance of Article 7 reporting undertaken by States Parties. It also highlighted the tools and support available to States Parties in drafting their reports, including the introduction of an online reporting format. Information on the work of the President and the Committees of the Convention in 2023 was also shared.

Оnline workshop on reporting: Ap mine ban convention Article 7 Transparency reports and Oslo Action Plan

The joint participation confirmed the commitment to fulfil the obligations undertaken by the Republic of Serbia related to mine clearance, which is in the scope of the SMAC’s work, as well as mine victim assistance, which fall under the competence of the Ministry of Labour.