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Study Visit of Senior Civil Servants to EU Institutions and Diplomatic Representations in Brussels

Study Visit of Senior Civil Servants to EU Institutions and Diplomatic Representations in Brussels Study Visit of Senior Civil Servants to EU Institutions and Diplomatic Representations in Brussels

In the period from February 7-9, 2023, the National Academy for Public Administration, with the financial support of the European Union, aiming at the strengthening of the professional capacities of senior civil servants in the Republic of Serbia, as part of the training program for state authorities executives - the Honeycomb module "Becoming the EU member", organized a Study visit of senior civil servants to institutions of the European Union and diplomatic representations in Brussels.

Serbian Mine Action Centre was represented by Director, Mr Bojan Glamočlija and Assistant Director, Mrs Jelena Krstić, who together with the representatives of the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Finance, the Personnel Management Service, the Office for the Fight against Drugs, the Intellectual Property Office, had the opportunity to visit and talk with the representatives of the Mission of the Republic of Serbia to the EU, European Parliament, European Commission/Directorate-General for Neighbourhood and Enlargement Negotiations - DG NEAR/European Service for External Affairs - EEAS, Directorate-General for Digital Networks, Content and Technology - DG CNECT, Permanent Representation of the Republic of Slovenia to the EU.

Study Visit of Senior Civil Servants to EU Institutions and Diplomatic Representations in Brussels Study Visit of Senior Civil Servants to EU Institutions and Diplomatic Representations in Brussels

The goals of this visit included the following:

1) Providing a deeper understanding of EU institutions, with a focus on Serbia integration process;

2) Understanding the different cooperation mechanisms of the EU institutions:

3) Understanding of foreign policy topics important for the EU, as well as the EU's relations with certain third countries, as well as views on the position of Serbia and the perspective of cooperation;

4) Understanding EU enlargement strategies, EU policy for the Western Balkans, economic and investment programs, as well as issues related to the application of the new methodology;

5) Developing a deeper understanding of the digital agenda and the context of EU policy towards the Western Balkans region in the digital field;

6) Exchange of experiences related to the transformation process, with a focus on understanding the role of managers in state bodies in this process;

7) Gaining insight into EU attitudes in the context of autonomous strategy development, as well as geopolitical changes that have a direct impact on Serbia.