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Home » Quality Control on a UXO Risk Reduction Project

Quality Control on a UXO Risk Reduction Project

 Quality Control on a UXO Risk Reduction Project  Quality Control on a UXO Risk Reduction Project

On 16 September 2019, on Demining and Technical Survey Project (reducing the risk of unexploded ordnance) in the areas of construction of routes of the main gas pipeline from the border with Bulgaria (vicinity of Zaječar) to border with Hungary (vicinity of Horgoš), Section 4, Mine Action Center performed quality control of the areas searched by the Contractor Millennium Team from Belgrade.

 Quality Control on a UXO Risk Reduction Project  Quality Control on a UXO Risk Reduction Project

The analysis established that there are no ERWs or anomalies indicating the existence of an object of the mass within the limits of the critical error determined by the Project.