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Home » Quality control on project for search and excavation of ERW from Data centre construction site in Kragujevac

Quality control on project for search and excavation of ERW from Data centre construction site in Kragujevac

 Quality control on project for search and excavation of ERW from Data centre construction site in Kragujevac

Оn 6th September 2019, the Mine Action Centre conducted quality control of the works performed in the first phase of the Project for Search and Excavation of Explosive Remnants of War (ERW) from Data Centre Construction Site, Number 0217/19, City of Kragujevac.

 Quality control on project for search and excavation of ERW from Data centre construction site in Kragujevac   Quality control on project for search and excavation of ERW from Data centre construction site in Kragujevac

For the implementation of the first phase, contractor Millennium Team used the devices which enable the application of the passive and active method.

 Quality control on project for search and excavation of ERW from Data centre construction site in Kragujevac   Quality control on project for search and excavation of ERW from Data centre construction site in Kragujevac

The devices are equipped with a data logger and possess the software by which are analyzed data recorded in the field.

 Quality control on project for search and excavation of ERW from Data centre construction site in Kragujevac   Quality control on project for search and excavation of ERW from Data centre construction site in Kragujevac

The analysis established that there are no ERWs or anomalies indicating the existence of an object of the mass within the limits of the critical error determined by the Project.