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Home » Mine Detection Dogs engaged on “Končulj – Singerit“ Project

Mine Detection Dogs engaged on “Končulj – Singerit“ Project

 Mine Detection Dogs engaged on “Končulj – Singerit“ Project

On August 22, 2019, representatives of the Mine Action Centre introduced specially trained dogs and dog handlers into works on the Demining Project of the "Končulj-Singerit" site, totalling 198,600 sqm, the Municipality of Bujanovac.

 Mine Detection Dogs engaged on “Končulj – Singerit“ Project“  Mine Detection Dogs engaged on “Končulj – Singerit“ Project

For the purpose of this project, Contractor "Stop Mines" Pale, Bosnia and Herzegovina, will be using 2 dog handlers with 4 mine detection dogs.

 Mine Detection Dogs engaged on “Končulj – Singerit“ Project  Mine Detection Dogs engaged on “Končulj – Singerit“ Project