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Home » Presentation on erw held in Bujanovac

Presentation on erw held in Bujanovac

 Presentation on erw held in Bujanovac

On 15 August, 2019, with the expert support of the Bujanovac Municipality Authorities and the Bujanovac Municipality Emergency Situations Headquarters, the Mine Action Center held presentation on explosive remnants of war (ERW), in the Bujanovac Municipality Assembly Hall.

 Presentation on erw held in Bujanovac  Presentation on erw held in Bujanovac

The aim of the presentation was to raise awareness about:

  • presence of ERW suspected locations;
  • work of ERW clearance teams;
  • activities of ERW destruction teams;
  • medical assistance to ERW injured.

The presentation was attended by representatives of local self-government, public companies and institutions founded by the Municipality of Bujanovac, relevant institutions for protection and rescue (Red Cross Bujanovac, Forest Section, Veterinary Station Bujanovac, Hunting Association), Presidents of Local Communities - Commissioners of Civil Protection.

 Presentation on erw held in Bujanovac  Presentation on erw held in Bujanovac

On behalf of the Mine Action Center, the presenters were Bojan Glamočlija, Director and Dragiša Nikolic, Senior Advisor for Supervision Works and Demining Coordination. The presenters were also Bratislav Rančić, Assistant to the Chief of the Directorate for Fire and Rescue Units and Civil Protection of the Sector for Emergency Situations, as well as Primarius Dr Goran Vasić.

 Presentation on erw held in Bujanovac  Presentation on erw held in Bujanovac

The Mine Action Center would like to thank the representatives of local authorities for recognizing the need to organize a presentation on EOR, as well as for their selfless support and cooperation in organizing this event.

We would also like to thank all other participants for their active participation and their efforts in raising awareness of the importance of such gatherings for the well-being of, above all, local population.

The Mine Action Center will continue to deliver presentations of such type in the future, both in Bujanovac and all other EOR contaminated areas in the territory of the Republic of Serbia.