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Home » Participation of SMAC at a video conference arranged by Embassy of France

Participation of SMAC at a video conference
arranged by Embassy of France

  Participation of SMAC at a video conference arranged by Embassy of France

On the 14th December 2020, at the initiative of the French Embassy in Belgrade, a video conference – coordination meeting was held, chaired by Ambassador Falconi, on the topic of аassistance to Serbia in dealing with the issue of mines and explosive remnants of war. In addition to SMAC representatives, the meeting was attended by representatives of Delegation of the European Union in Belgrade, CIVIPOL (operator of the French Ministry of Interior for technical cooperation) and the company EOD-EX.

On this occasion, project « Capacity building and development support for the Mine Action Centre of the Republic of Serbia » by the Mine Action Center of Serbia, CIVIPOL and the company EOD-EX, has been presented.

The participants discussed the project and the relevant EU assistance instruments, with the participation of the Ministry for European Integrations of the Republic of Serbia and the Delegation of the European Union in Belgrade.