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Home » Final quality control on Denino brdo project in Kragujevac

Final quality control on Denino brdo project
in Kragujevac

  Final quality control on Denino brdo project in Kragujevac    Final quality control on Denino brdo project in Kragujevac

On the 30th November 2020, Mine Action Center conducted quality control of the works carried out in accordance with Explosive Remnants of War (ERW) Clearance Project of the Thoroughfare within the "Denino brdo" Complex, in Kragujevac, Phase 3, which included recording of the terrain up to 6 meters depth.

For the implementation of these works, contractor Millennium Team used devices Upex 740 m and Magnex 120L, which enable the application of the passive and active method.

Quality control has determined that there are no ERWs or anomalies that indicate the existence of an object of a mass within the critical error limits determined by the project.

Completion of these works will enable safe construction of water supply and sewerage line and the thoroughfare in the Denino brdo complex, within the implementation of works on construction of apartments for members of security forces.