Quality control on "Denino brdo" project
in Kragujevac
On the 17th November 2020, Mine Action Center conducted quality control of the works carried out in accordance with Explosive Remnants of War (ERW) Clearance Project of the Thoroughfare within the "Denino brdo" Complex, in Kragujevac, Phase 1, which comprised ERW clearance up to a 50 cm depth.
Quality control has determined that there are no ERWs or anomalies that indicate the existence of an object of a mass within the critical error limits determined by the project.
During the implementation of Phase 1, Contractor "Millennium Team" Ltd. found 14 pieces of 76 mm artillery shells , 22 pieces of 100 mm artillery shells, 3 pieces of 120 mm artillery shells, 1 piece of a 132 mm artillery shell, 35 pieces of different caliber shell fuses and shrapnels.
Found devices will be demolished by the Sector for Emergency Management.
In addition, on this occasion, the introduction into works was carried out for Phase 2 and Phase 3, which include recording of the terrain up to 3 and 6 meters, respectively.