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Quality Control on a UXO Risk Reduction Project

 Quality Control on a UXO Risk Reduction Project

On 5 August 2019, on demining and technical survey project (reducing the risk of unexploded ordnance) in the areas of construction of routes of the main gas pipeline from the border with Bulgaria (vicinity of Zaječar) to border with Hungary (vicinity of Horgoš), section 2, Mine Action Center performed quality control on the part of the location that was demined-cleared in accordance with the Center's project, International Mine Action Standards (IMAS) and Standard Operating Procedures of Contractor Millennium Team from Belgrade.

 Quality Control on a UXO Risk Reduction Project  Quality Control on a UXO Risk Reduction Project

The control was performed by the method of random samples of the sections of the route, i.e. 3% of the total area.

 Quality Control on a UXO Risk Reduction Project  Quality Control on a UXO Risk Reduction Project

The site where quality control of demining-recording was performed was accepted as cleared and considered safe by IMAS (99.65%).

 Quality Control on a UXO Risk Reduction Project  Quality Control on a UXO Risk Reduction Project