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Home » 22nd International Meeting of Mine Action National Programme Directors and United Nations Advisors Held in Geneva

22nd International Meeting of Mine Action National Programme Directors and United Nations Advisors Held in Geneva

In the period 5- 8 February 2019, in Geneva, Switzerland, the 22nd International Meeting of Mine Action National Programme Directors and United Nations Advisors was held in Geneva. The meeting was organized by the United Nations Mine Action Service (UNMAS) and the Geneva International Centre for Humanitarian Demining (GICHD).

This year’s meeting covered the following topics: the launch of the UN Mine Action Strategy 2019-2023; challenges of victim assistance; the integrated support to survivors, affected families and communities; the inclusion and empowerment of youth and women; the role of mine action in preventing humanitarian crises and building peace; the role of mine action in child protection; mitigating new threats.